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Everything posted by James6

  1. Ugh, why post twice in the space of 3 minutes!!!! Next, Kobra and Griffins Galleon share next to no similarities with Black Buccaneer.You spell "intimerdating" "Intimidating"^ to your second post... *facepalm*That is all.
  2. James6


    ^ Yeah, that doesn't make it a prototype...
  3. Wow :blink:Thanks, Mikey, lately I've seen a load of theme park-related documentaries, and thanks for another one
  4. I am pretty sure that the same James was operating Black Buccaneer yesterday too, and I must agree, he was great
  5. You mean Gran-ny Turismo ?I must admit, they are great.
  6. James6


    They will shoot you in the head if you try to.
  7. ^ AgreedIt's an awesome atmospheric track Well suited to Wild Asia
  8. James6


    Random but just found an entry ticket for Legoland from 1997! Along with some very old pictures! Aha
  9. I'm afraid you will have to wait with them. You could go off and meet with them again later, but they couldn't enter before 10. the general rule is usually of the majority of that group are AP holders, then you'll be let through. Sorry
  10. James6


    It's still at Freestyle Music Park so nothing has happened to it yet. And although it's second hand it wouldn't be rough, apparently it had a little B&M rattle but that was probably down to poor maintenance as it was at a failing park. Still it was only built in 2008! But agree, Thorpe definitely doesn't need any more loops!
  11. What seemed to work last year, look out for a day when the forecast is awful. No one seems to go, it amazed me how many people must've changed there plans. But yeah, middle of summer and it was walk on everything.Best bit was, they got it completely wrong and there were only a few showers
  12. ^ Glad to hear you had a great day. I went at some point last year and it was similar, in fact, it was even quieter, at the very start of the Summer, Chessington seems to be rather quiet.But yeah, it's a fantastic park
  13. James6


    Nope, Peter has it right.
  14. Rattlesnake is an absolutely amazing ride... end of.
  15. I must add, the ride really is a sad state of affairs at the moment
  16. Smoking is currently my biggest gripe at Alton, Thorpe and Chessington, it's just something that I feel is never picked up on and yet can make being at the parks, at times, extremely unpleasant.And with queue jumping I never know what or when to say, leave it to staff, by which time it's way too late, or mention it to them and cause an incident.
  17. ^ Agreed, I personally do still have manners, but it's definitely on the decline, I sound so old but I hate "todays" kids, most are chavs, most are absolute *****
  18. As this is a kind of general topic, I was unsure where to put it, I decided upon Chessington as I feel they are the biggest offender.Does anyone else find the opening times of the majority of our parks really frustrating?The whole month of August Chessington closes at 6! The likelihood is that opening will be extended but even so, that is just ridiculous. This is happening at the same time, as Legoland, with a younger target audience is closing at 8!I just find it irritating how early the park closes...
  19. "Where'd Thunder Looper go!" "Wow this place has incredible theming"
  20. 1. You don't fall out as gravity keeps you in your seat, you never experience negative G or invert and the drops aren't steep enough for you to leave your seat.2. Gravity would not make it fall out the track, I think you must've got confused on this one3. I am afraid to say your Mum is wrong and the Thorpe Park Log Flume, Loggers Leap, is in fact taller than Chessington'sBut yeah so basically, throughout the "flume section" the boats float around channels, until the lifts where they are taken up on conveyer belts, then on the actual drop they roll down 2 rails which align with wheels on the bottoms of the boats. Glad you enjoy Dragon Falls.Edit: Beaten to it
  21. James6


    LOL!But no really, I loved Th13teen. As amazing as Nemesis is, Th13teen just offers something different, it's such great fun with a great drop and then backwards section after it. Like I say, I don't know what it is, but I love Th13teen... and so did EVERY single person I saw getting off it this weekend. If I had a penny for everytime I heard "That... Was... Amazing" ... The GP are eating it up, and now is when I think this conversation should mvoe to the Th13teen topic
  22. James6


    It really is fantastic :DAlthough, actually, this weekend, Th13teen is now equalling it and at times even beating it... !! :DDon't know why I have such love for Th13teen, I guess I'm the equivalent of Keith for Vampire!
  23. James6


    Who got on this 21 times today?Oh me :DAha, great day at the park
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