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Everything posted by James6

  1. ^ Indeed, if that doesn't show them how popular it "could" be, nothing will.But I agree, they had some great actor placements last year, for example a guy who popped out from behind a wall with a spade and smashed it on a metal bin, never been so scared in my life.
  2. Sounds brilliant :PAnd so glad Vampire is getting at last some attention, now if only the track and supports got a re-paint.
  3. It is Duel from opening till 2 or something, and then re-opens an hour later at 3 once it's been transformed into Duel:Live, every detail is thought of though and even the rides boards outside change, as well as the logo's on the ORP's.
  4. It pretty much turns back into a Haunted House, and is much better for it. It's the only time of year it has a queue. In fact sometimes at Scarefest it's up to 60 minutes long (the queue not the ride )
  5. *James6 is pissed off*
  6. Ah Duel: Live I don't care how many of the effects have been fixed at the moment, that ride becomes phenomenal at Halloween when those LED's and guns are switched off.
  7. Ooooh sounds good :PMy past few trips I have missed it out but looks like I'll definitely be having a ride on Wednesday
  8. Oh my god...Words don't express how amazing that is and how much detail is there , next year can't come quick enough
  9. James6

    This Or That

    Can't decide on that one, depends on too many things :PFront or back?
  10. Is this ones you've taken or just general pictures of the rides?Here are some of my favourite's of the ones I've taken. There not great but I quite like them.
  11. ^^ What's wrong with Zebra's at Chessington ?^ And there most definitely are more plans for general additions to the Zoo I remember seeing them a while back. When/what they include isn't really known and we'll have to wait and see http://ride-guide.co.uk/0_IMAG0011.jpgIt looks fantastic
  12. Looks very nice so far :PLooking forward to seeing it for myself
  13. Ah ok, thanks anyway. Staying at the hotel so was wondering how long I can stay in the park rather than having to go elsewhere.
  14. Also, how long are you aloud to look around the Zoo after ride close ?
  15. James6


    http://porsmond.bravepages.com/Thorpe/Thorpe9/Thorpe4.JPGHey, where did one of Rush's swings go
  16. Ah right, thanks Looks like I will have to eat elsewhere
  17. Guys, do the restaurants etc close when the rides do? I was thinking of going to the Market Square Pizza Pasta after a day of riding ?
  18. I think you'd be able to, but I'd phone up or e-mail to check.Hotel 0871 222 1100Contact Us page for Alton
  19. James6


    No, the SeaLife part was great , I meant making it a "ride" would've thought it'd be better left as a walk-through attraction and making the ride run a transit system was the possible un-needed cost. Don't see what is gained by it being a ride. Still should be awesome though
  20. James6


    Sounds interesting, next to the lake and going to replace the Dino Dipper Attraction although it is planned to be re-located. Also, personally I feel that an aquarium is something that'd be no different walking through as riding through. Seems like an un-needed cost that could be put towards another new attraction.
  21. Ah that's awesome, thanks very much for the picture :PSo much to look out for on my next trip!
  22. James6


    Good to hear somewhere else who really likes the ride. To be honest yesterday I was talking to some chav "friends" of mine who had been on it and they absolutely loved it, thought it was the best ride in the park. These are those "general" people who visit the park once every year/2 years and they honestly thought it was amazing. Really shows that whilst not being the scariest or most intense ride, even those looking for a huge thrill love the ride. It really does appeal and give a great ride to everyone.
  23. When was the last time Stealth's live DJ was used? Does anyone have video's of it? And do we reckon it could and/or should come back ?
  24. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00sl647/Blue_Peter_25_05_2010/Chessington on Blue Peter :PReally short piece actually so don't expect much, also, don't even think "Chessington" was mentioned at any point!
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