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Everything posted by James6

  1. Awesome topic Here are a few of mine....I've tried to only choose ones which haven't already been uploaded Crappy picture but I love this bit of theming in Rattlesnake's queue.
  2. We were going to have a new one yesterday however, due to me and being very ill last night , it will wait until next week
  3. I have heard it is, I wonder if it will be of the same design or something different. Either way I agree with you electricBrill that I hope the ride experience itself doesn't change.
  4. Where did you sit ?Because anywhere near either end and there is some awesome airtime
  5. Ok, thats good , Thanks guys :DAnd JoshC any ideas are appreciated, that goes for everyone by the way
  6. Hmm good point :DIt is difficult coming up with those creative ones whilst also making sure there not "samey." Hence why the odd easy single photo competiton is thrown in.But yeah, thanks.Anyone else got any opinions?
  7. Ah thanks Even though I can't go because it's on a Sunday
  8. Just going to announce AeRo and Treeis joint winners this week without even doing the voting. :DJust a bit of research :DThose who have never entered, what could be done to encourage you to do so?And those who have entered, what could be done for you to enter more regularly?Thanks
  9. Remember guys, voting opens tonight, we need entries
  10. ^^ You don't need to post the same thing in 2 topics!And it's so unfair that you have to queue? I really think your in the wrong hobby...
  11. James6


    Are you really surprised? A brand new World First ride with masses of advertising and there not going to have fastrack? If you read the topic you would have seen that we all assumed this especially as Saw didn't have it either at opening. Add in the technical problems etc and its a good move by The Towers...To be very honest, at the moment I doubt it'll even be open on opening day. Apparently the ride's "secret weapon" is having huge technical difficulties which has resulted in the preview weekend being cancelled and boot camp event being postponed
  12. I admire you having the time to write that to be honest, all of those things I can realte to and it really is so difficult to know what to do when those things happen. For example with the teachers, I am top set year 10 and yet in a few subjects I have teachers who haven't ever taught before, but not just any ol' subjects, English, Maths/stats and Physics I have terrible teachers for. Lets take maths, 90% of the class has complained including there parents, but not even a follow up or another teacher assessing her lesson, she found out that I was one of the more proactive members of the class, going to the head of maths etc and I am now singled out every lesson and now she won't help me with anything.Seriously some things are so annoying, these teachers can't be bothered and it's going to possibly mean I get a lower grade in my GCSE's which isn't really fair.My wrist is hurting so I would carry on but I'm tired
  13. Ah right thanks, I assumed it wouldn't get it's own page but even after a thorough look I couldn't find it mentioned anywhere, looks like I still didn't look hard enough
  14. Very, very sorry if this has been mentioned/ discussed, or if I am just being plain stupid...But earlier I was having a detailed look on the new Thorpe site and I couldn't find Mr Monkey's Banana Ride anywhere? Has it gone the same way as Miss Hippo's Fungle Safari or has it just been missed on the site?
  15. Yeah, its weird, seems to be a problem with my computer but then, every other website works. Hmm strange
  16. ^ Correct :PAnd I don't think it should be that hard a challenge :PShould see some unusual pics as most of the time people don't show there ones of poor weather.
  17. Right well, The Challenges are back after a 2 week break :PAs is quite clearly said above, please don't vote in the poll. I have trouble editing in the full editor to create a poll when needed, hopefully by doing this I'll be able to change the question etc when voting is set to begin :PAnyway, this weeks challenge is... "To enter a picture you've taken of the worst/ most unusual weather you've experienced on a day out"Good Luck, Voting will open at the same time as before the break.
  18. James6


    Ah thanks for that, I hadn't actually seen it, I must say I did think the lift would be a tad quicker, but still so excited for this ride
  19. I also can't get onto the Chessington website at the moment.
  20. James6


    You are joking right?Spinball, Hex, Duel, Enterprise, Battle Galleons, Ripsaw, The list is huge.And even talking about the rides you've mentioned, just because the ride is made by the same manafacturer doesn't mean that they offer the same experience...Edit: Change in post above after I replied :lol:And in comparison to Thorpe, overall the rides are diverse, Alton doesn't have many flat rides wheras at Thorpe there are more of them than anything. There is a much more (and better) balance of rides at Alton.
  21. Yes the whale had been involved with fatal incidents before, but this time it is reported that the whale jumped up and grabbed the trainer by her ponytail, it is likely objects similar to the toys dogs have were used to help train the whales and the whale could have thought that was what it was.It hadn't had a serious incident for a good few years.Also, I read somewhere else, that following filming for the film "Free Willy" the whale was released, and seeked Human contact, because it coudln't get any it lost weight and in the end the trainers had to feed it until it died.This really is an isolated incident in my opinion and the shows will, sooner or later carry on as normal.
  22. I've heard that the Runaway Train is getting a coat of paint, so fingers crossed things like the effects mentioned will also be fixed as it's a great little ride
  23. I agree, days never seem to be in the middle. Either great, or terrible I feel the same
  24. James6


    ^ I am really sorry but could you clear up your posts, I find them very difficult to understand...
  25. James6


    A flyer or dive machine, in my opinion would be such a dissapointment and a bad choice. There are so many ride types the UK doesn't have , I don't see why they would even consider installing a second.A B&M Hyper would be a great choice, and/or a Woodie.I seriously hope neither of the coasters have inversions as well... In my opinion, there are enough of those at Thorpe.
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