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Everything posted by James6

  1. ^ TrueBut it's definitely higher than 1200, that would mean a train leaving every minute, and they were leaving usually every 30 secs, 40 at most. And that's with only 3 trains running.
  2. I was, like you guys, amazed at how after a couple of hours, Thirteen wasn't even the 3rd biggest queue, with Spinball, Rita and Air all above it. Maybe it's just the great capacity, but even then , that doesn't bode well.As I've said I absolutely love the ride But that queue time was worrying, hopefully it was the rain, but today at Chessington, on annual pass day, Kobra's queue got up to 120 mins...
  3. Ha :rolleyes:I've seen pictures of them and they and the seating position do look strange, good to hear it's a good ride, and also that it's long
  4. James6


    If your desperate to do Rita, do that first and then very quickly head to Thirteen. Thirteen's queue is SO much better than Rita's and in my opinion, I'd prefer to be queueing for that as it does move a lot quicker.Also, little tip when on the ride, if you want an on-ride photo, do NOT put your hands up as the angle the camera is at, yours and the person next you will have there face covered
  5. James6


    It's definitely worth a trip!People who are saying it's disappointing were expecting the next Nemesis, which it was never going to be. In my opinion, it's almost as good as Nemesis purely because it brings something new to the park and UK, is really unique and a lot of fun. After the "Secret" section, it is quite scary and thrilling.Also take into account the majority of effects weren't working yesterday.
  6. James6


    Wow, I honestly loved the ride.
  7. James6


    AgreedMerlin have made the best of a bad situation though. :rolleyes:Rita's location in the area is terrible
  8. Any entries?Come on guys
  9. James6


    No :rolleyes:It's just more suited to the ride/ area than it was before in UG Land.You also get some nice new views of the ride than before, I still hate how it halves the area, it's location is terrible.
  10. James6


    Poor pic but there we go. Much MUCH improved Better ride audio when you launch as well
  11. James6


    I was there today and Thirteen is amazing IMO, the only thing that would make it better would be if there weren't trims on the first drop and 2nd hill.Fantastic :angry:It's my joint favourite ride with Nemesis, but for different reasons obviously
  12. Just got home from an AMAZING day at the park!Thirteen really is fantastic in my opinion and the park is looking great!Wish I was in the mood to write a longer report.Wasn't at the park long and did Thirteen 5 times and Nemesis twice
  13. Just checked in to Splash landings. Extremely excited for Thirteen!
  14. James6


    I doubt it will be quite that bright when all the finishing touches etc are also in place.
  15. James6


    A Better report on the ride was on Central Tonight
  16. James6


    They haven't done it on purpose. This year there has been worse weather than previous years especially. With (I've heard) 4 weeks lost because of this. Sometimes you just can't plan for these things.
  17. It's like that for me for both Thorpe's and Chessington's sites, I have to use a different browser to view them.
  18. James6


    Also, it's rumored the inside section when its actually open will last longer and "do" more
  19. James6


    I must say I think the ride looks fantastic, and just as excited if not more so than before. :)Can't wait to ride on Saturday, but I agree the area didn't look anywhere near finished.
  20. James6


    If you see the actual sign, it is slightly different, and less Tim Burton-esque, and in my opinion is much better
  21. Ahaha it's ok ;)Saw: Alive was removed in 2015, the queline and other things related to it were also removed, the queline is in storage and can still be re-used as well as theming from the maze. However remember this is a RE-THEME not a "take away the Saw brand and still make it a horror-movie based attraction" , we wlould like something new ;)The space taken up by Saw: Alive can be used however, although that is a way away from Saw. (Or is it? I'm not 100% sure )
  22. Oooooh, Very good question ^_^Errrr, hadn't thought about that.I am going to say that Saw: Alive had left the park by then due to lack of popularity by 2016.So the job is to re-theme Saw: The Ride
  23. Can't wait to see some of the ideas you guys come up with ;)Remember, any details large or small can be changed
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