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Everything posted by James6

  1. James6


    http://www.towersnerd.com/features/games/sims/files/th13teen.swfAwesome Thirteen sim there Gives you a good idea of the ride if you've not been on it. Also shows the awesome theme tune
  2. 2 new huge coasters have been built in the States, Intimidator at Carowinds and Intimidator 305 at Kings Dominion.Both open today.The main one I wanted to talk about is I305, its the 2nd/3rd (If include one in Japan) Giga coaster built and it looks incredible. The amount of airtime and the quick transitions look fantastic! Shame we'll never see anything like it in this country. Only POV I could find was this one from TPR, so thanks TPR. What do you guys think ?
  3. Kobra currently unavailable guys
  4. I agree with Electric Bill about there being sections within the asia area. As I think the area would be huge if Mystic East and Wild Asia were combined and also, one is oriental one is Ruins/temple like.
  5. 43mphTrack is 90ft longErrr... That is all I have
  6. Fire ?Fire! Sounds awesome. Can't wait to get back Tomb Blast-ing...
  7. This weeks winner was... TP Daniel! Well DoneOn a slightly more disappointing note, The Challenge will be ceasing operation, whether it will re-start remains to be seen but for a month or so at least there won't be any challenges. To be honest it's down to people just not wanting to do it.
  8. Also just want to say hey and also love the season pass! I'm sure you'll really enjoy being here. :P

  9. Ah these trip reports look fantastic! Thanks ;)Really couldn't be more excited for my trip in a week or so
  10. Have they been re-painted the same colour, or different? ;)And great to hear about the audio, the atmosphere when walking in to Transylvania at Hocus Pocus was electric!
  11. Yeah that's brilliant Thanks. Everything I hear is getting me more and more excited for my trips in a week or so!
  12. Awesome TR :mellow:Interesting how "quiet" it was compared to the Annual Pass day. What were queue's like ?
  13. I 100% agree, I did think about whether A Disko would suit Chessington but like you say, the way it fits in the with Chessington and the way the whole area is themed so SO well just makes everything look perfect!
  14. Everytime I see pictures of this area, the theming amazes me. Fantastic This looks like a really nice touch as well :mellow:Obviously I haven't seen it in person yet, but that actually looks Disney Standard.
  15. Both entries we have received are absolutely awesome :DJust disappointing that we do only have 2 entries.
  16. ^ Yeah he's got it all, but Monorail is 8.30 :DAlso there's the Explorers Pizza and Pasta Buffet similar to the one at Chessington. That's in Katanga Canyon.
  17. ^ I agree :DFor some reason, I really do love Colossus. Especially in the front!
  18. Remember voting opens tomorrow.
  19. It's not clear, but she is the one in the queue singing "If you go down to the woods today, you'd better not go alone" and the one who counts to thirteen and then screams. I think she is someone who had been to the forest and it "took" over her and possesed her.
  20. The holidays will have started for some by Monday. However if its the same as last year where the schools around Alton have a different holiday time, then it'll be quiet :DEven if it's busy, as someone said, you don't feel it the same as at other places because everything is so spread out. As well as the majority of rides being good at getting through the queues. (Sonic Spinball being the main and only exception that springs to mind.)Basically , if the schools around Alton aren't on holiday, I'd expect 45 mins max for Spinball, Rita and Air. An hour for Thirteen at opening but that'll come down. If they are on holiday, I'd assume 100-120 mins for Air/Rita/Spinball. Possibly that much for Thirteen at opening but that would also come down. About 60 mins for Nemesis and Oblivion. This is just from experience
  21. James6


    ^^ Good point there, I remember the interview before Stealth was built saying how it would have 3 so it would always run at full capacity, whereas you are right, it is run on 1 more than Rita!(Woops, off-topic)
  22. Remember, voting will start on Friday, would like some entries
  23. James6


    Definitely a vast improvement :)Now all we need is for the OTSR to be replaced with the Lap Bar's on Xcelerator and we're good , oh and for the whole ride to be moved...
  24. I must say, I've ridden both and preferred Thirteen...Whilst the theming on EE is obviously superior, I actually enjoyed Thirteen far more and found it more "fun" and unique
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