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Everything posted by James6

  1. James6

    This Or That

    Magic Kingdom although Test Track is awesome :)Montu or Dueling Dragons
  2. James6

    This Or That

    Star Tours, MGM studios or Animal Kingdom
  3. James6

    This Or That

    Hollywood Tower of Terror , the theming and build up of that ride is absolutely astounding to be honest.Which would you rather ride out of , Manta or Hollywood rip, ride it rockit
  4. James6

    This Or That

    The amazing adventure's of Spiderman, It beats ANY coaster I've been on , it's that good! Also I thought Dr. Doom's was a bit dull and with only one small pop of air, the rest was just like being on a giant frog hopper.Incredible Hulk Coaster or Kumba
  5. Oh my goodness, what does everyone love about Montu? I thought it was boring, over-trimmed to hell and absolutely force less, jumping off my stairs gives me more G's .Kumba was amazing IMO , it was fast-paced, amazingly forceful and just brilliant. But Sheikra was the best there and was sensational And also , I absolutely LOVED Gwazi , I thought it was fun , twisty, had little fun pops of airtime and while shaky, wasn't rough or painful.
  6. James6

    This Or That

    Revenge of the MummyPirates 4D or Time voyagers
  7. James6


    I didn't mean it like Air shouldn't have the longer que, I agree with you that it's , and I quote , "A great concept that's unique and enjoyable" Didn't mean to be miss interpreted
  8. James6


    Yea definatley, I've always thought of Air as the most popular of the 2 in Forbidden Valley, but strangely the past couple of times I've been, Nemesis has had the longer que.
  9. Hello , I am afraid you can only enter once, so if you could please choose your favourite one and remove the other from the post, I would greatly appreciate it :rolleyes:Edit: Thank you
  10. James6


    It hasn't been too bad the last few times I've been there , but so many times , whichever station your on , that one breaks down , I swear , every single time it's just the one your on , But to be fair they almost always move that station across to the other quickly.
  11. James6

    This Or That

    Top ScanSaw's effects or Nemesis Inferno's effects
  12. James6

    This Or That

    Air time hill , any day of the week :rolleyes:Vortex or Samurai
  13. James6

    This Or That

    Immelman TurnCobra Roll or Zero-G-Roll
  14. James6


    Yep , that system was awesome, fair, and improved the day incredibly, I've heard from some people the reason was because some people were abusing it, yet I don't see how they could and also, If Disney can get it to work effectively then surely it's worth doing.
  15. James6


    Agreed, somehow with a throughput of around 1500 , it still gets the longest que's on park.
  16. ergh... , I can't remember the last time I saw Tidal wave's splash pool look like that, looks much better how it is now
  17. Oh , thanks very much :rolleyes:Thats a little bit more than I was expecting , but still , I am looking forward to my trip in a few weeks already, and this time, I'm giving you lot the job to make sure I don't change my mind at the last minute to Thorpe
  18. Oh, what were the ques like? , looks like I really should have gone to Chessington today , Oh well definatley going to be going Chessington in a few weeks
  19. Subway, quick , good value, you get exactly what you want, and oh my god it tastes amazing
  20. Yea loads of time , it finishes next week , I'm not that mean to do a challenge for just one day
  21. I think anything has a higher capacity than Jungle coaster to be honest , I think me giving people a 5 minute piggy back around a park would have a higher throughput.
  22. Just got back from Thorpe , was there from 9.30 till 1.Who was it who said the ques would be 30 mins for coasters and 15 mins for flats! ?Started off by going straight to Stealth and did it at the front and then walked straight on again via single rider. Then went to go on again but the man wouldn't let me despite there still not being a que.So went off to Nemesis Inferno, I still hadn't been on it this year and for the first time ever. I really really liked it, I still think it's the weakest main coaster at Thorpe but it was great and for the first time that I've been on, it was forceful. Stayed on 3 times without getting off at the back which was brilliant. Could have stayed on again but decided to go for Colossus.By now it was 10 to 10 so we were expecting the Colossus que to be at least an hour, the first time it took 10 minutes to get on at the front, second time it took just 15 mins and sat near-ish the back. Both times smooth and no head-banging , but at the front it truly is sensational. Next was Samurai and got a good long setting, took about 15 minutes, Saw's que was 75 minutes!Whilst queing for Samurai , Colossus and Saw both broke down at the same time for about 15-20 minutes each.Then, Walked on to Slammer which is still just insane Decided to pop on to Detonator now , and Saw the geyser on Nemesis Inferno which I thought was absolutely awesome Oh also , On top of the Detonator operator cabin , is what looks like some bones and stuff like that, looked like bits of theming from Corkscrew at Alton Towers which was strange, check it out next time you ride it.By now , Colossus was 60 minutes, Stealth was 50 and Nemesis Inferno was 35. So we entered the que for Detonator when it said 15 minutes, it actually took 35 minutes. There was the slowest, grumpiest staff member I've ever seen at Thorpe, every other time I've been this year I've praised the staff but this guy , just slowly strolled around the gondola and pulled them down, and , I would say on at least every single ride there was a seat spare, I was riding by myself and he didn't even make an effort any time to check for any 1's . Detonator is still the only ride on park that makes me poop myself EVERY time Then moved round to Stealth in hope to get another single rider done, but it had broken down. So then decided to try out Time Voyagers for the first time. I thought it was good fun but it would be boring a 2nd time, It would be enhanced so much if the seats actually moved rather than just vibrating.By now , Colossus was 90 minutes, Nemesis 60 , Stealth 70, and Saw was 70 aswell I think.So went to do Rush , I actually think the que for Rush moves faster than any other ride at Thorpe. I then decided to leave as it was about 29 degrees, and now the que for Colossus was 120 minutes! Overall an awesome day ProsGetting a lot of rides done in a short amount of timeGetting Re-rides on Nemesis InfernoNemesis Inferno GeysersConsIrritating op on DetonatorAnnoying man not letting a single rider in the single rider que...Ride CountColossus x 2Stealth x 2Nemesis Inferno x 3Slammer x 1Samurai x 1Rush x 1Time Voyagers x 1Detonator x 1Here are some pictures from todayWas very foggy on the way thereSaw these for the first time , they wern't as much of an eyesaw as I thought they would be but I didn't see anyone use them the whole day.This is why you go straight over to the Stealth and Nemesis Inferno side of the park :rolleyes:Oh also, with this 2 for £2 thing , with the annual pass discount I ended up getting a Magnum for 80 p Nemesis Inferno's Lift Colossus from SlammerAnother one of ColossusAnd SlammerDidn't take many other picsThanks for taking the time to read this.
  23. How are the Nemesis Inferno effects doing at the moment? All still working ? Hopefully I'll get to experiance them tomorrow
  24. In this circumstance I think I'm going to let this count It's just a bit of fun so I'm not going to be a big boring meanie and say this time that you can't , but this doesn't mean that rules can be broken in the future etc. and another time I don't think I would let it count , it's only because someone you know/ was with took it.
  25. I personally don't think that is important and could take the "shine" off of winning.Yes the competition would be better with more votes but this week in my honest opinion , the best picture won. The standard of pictures this week was very high and lets hope that will continue in weeks to come. The challenge I have chosen this week is a very general one to try and get more people to have a bit of fun and take part
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