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Everything posted by StevenVig

  1. Already been posted in the other DBGT Topic. Is this spoiler thread necessary now? Everyone's been on it now. Seems silly having two threads for the same ride.
  2. Just remember that you risk the safety of other guests by recording without permission. Your device might fall and knock someone out, just bear that in mind.
  3. Will it actually be good now? Just shows how predictable this park really is
  4. You must make sure you have express written permission from the park before recording footage on rides, and that a full risk assessment has been carried out prior to your visit. Or maybe just don't film POVs, because there arent already millions of those on the internet. Just FYI More info here: https://www.thorpepark.com/press/filming-photography/
  5. There is an annual TPM London Christmas Meet, which I'm sure will be announced soon or just after Fright Nights.
  6. Yeah that will be broken after the press event or switched off because a tree will set alight.
  7. Oh my god this looks terrible.
  8. Yeah but for how long, its days are numbered now as is Slammer
  9. The shipping container could be storage for the food outlets in the area possibly?
  10. I love how this is Merlins 'most expensive attraction' to date, and yet staff have to bang on walls just to keep guests/riders from getting bored.
  11. You've repeated basically what I mentioned in my previous post, pointing out the fact that the cloaks were removed backstage, and were only worn when walking on park. They were not roaming actors, they were actors moving between mazes, or leaving a maze to then 'de-cloak' and then become a roaming actor. Never a roaming actor with cloaks.
  12. No, its obviously about Fright Nights..... why do fanboys always think everything is a clue about something There are no monks, what you think are monks are actually actors in robes who are moving from one maze to another, hence why they do not stop to interact. They are wearing the robes so that guests do not interact with them while they move to the other maze. Also, its Fright Nights, plural.
  13. StevenVig


    The same rumor circulates every single year. Its not true.
  14. I'm all for theming, and I guess it looks good, but its sad to see a piece of history covered in graffiti =[
  15. StevenVig

    Logger's Leap

    Like it already is.........
  16. Spotted in the car park yesterday, and has been there for a few days It has begun.
  17. For that to be possible Chessington would need to actually have a project and or budget to cut from. Seeing as their annual budget is about £1
  18. StevenVig


    It IS a kids coaster. In fact its barely a coaster at all, its a shambles is what it is.
  19. Interestingly they have used the name Creek Tours, when the area is now known as Old Town? I have very very low expectations for this, I truly believe this will be just like Dead End, the shockingly laughable Scare Zone they once had. Simply reusing old ride theming and parts, this seems no different. We shall see though
  20. StevenVig

    Logger's Leap

    Loggers Leap - Sponsored by Imperial Leather
  21. Saw is not rough, there is no jolt. Brace yourself and you will be fine. I imagine anyone who is complaining does not do this.
  22. Commercial parlor game. Businessman Elijah Bond had the idea to patent a planchette sold with a board on which the alphabet was printed, much like the previously existing talking boards. The patentees filed on May 28, 1890 for patent protection and thus are credited with the invention of the Ouija board.
  23. The Big Flop Audio was testing yesterday and was quite loud.
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