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Everything posted by StevenVig

  1. Chessington gave money away! They barely have enough for themselves as it is.......
  2. We get a new style every year, yet it just gets worse and worse. Lets just admit defeat and stop wishing
  3. Off topic because you posted in the wrong topic, perhaps this topic would've been a wiser choice? http://forum.maniahub.com/topic/108-loggers-leap/page-42 Back on topic, the area looks amazing, bar the paving! Cannot wait for this
  4. No you're 100% Matt Creek, there is and never will be any other Matt Creek, that's just a fact.
  5. Oh good, I'm glad this is a thing, not been here for years! Add me as attending!
  6. Better change the name of this thread.
  7. Literally couldn't have put it better myself.
  8. But that's just it isn't it? Cut as many actors as possible, save a pretty penny, work with the bare minimum. That's the Merlin way, hence my lack of confidence here Its trading off experience to save money
  9. Budgets! Budgets! Budgets! If Merlin can save a penny or two they will do it. This isn't new, we all already know this Look at Saw: The Ride, the actors that were supposed to be in The Rack in the indoor queue were supposed to only be there during peak times (Holidays, Special Events etc), but they couldn't even keep that up. There's also been countless times I've been through Saw Alive and there have been a minimal amount on actors Even during Fright Nights, I once walked through The Asylum and counted six actors in the whole attraction, many running in front of me so they could perform multiple scenes.
  10. I hope they do, and if part of this experience is actor led it will be interesting to see how long Thorpe keep this up. They will no doubt cut the actors from the experience at some point, but I hope I'm wrong. My estimation, by the end of season
  11. Wearing a bright yellow high visability jacket over your normal TP uniform, does not count as "themed hosts"
  12. You don't seriously think this do you? This is Merlin not Disney
  13. Anyone up for visiting on the opening weekend 7th/8th May?
  14. Merlin's biggest investment ever vs chicken shack extension
  15. That's the entire annual budget gone then. Oh dear.
  16. No offence to anyone but all of these logos are terrible. The logo is fine it does not need changing. IMO.
  17. I'm all over this! I retract my vote for the second weekend, because of pride, I totally forgot
  18. That's correct, so they couldn't legally do anything even if they wanted to.
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