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Everything posted by StevenVig

  1. StevenVig

    TPM Awards 2015

    I'm going to be vain and say me, I've been around since almost the very beginning and am now a ghost soooooooo
  2. How reputable is the source?
  3. Erm... Dont know if you've heard?
  4. So they did make an effort in the end?
  5. I cant wait to see someone on here try and link that serpent car to WC16
  6. StevenVig


    Start saying your goodbyes I say
  7. This sunday is good!
  8. Anyone visiting before or after the meet on the 18th?
  9. I'm thrilled that Entertainments have been given the opportunity to pump some money into their attractions this year, theming is looking good so far!
  10. I literally cannot wait for this! Why is the attending list not updated!
  11. It is indeed, the poster is the Entertainments TL so y'know
  12. I have no clue where this Samurai is going to back to Chessington idea has sprung from. If Samurai is broken and beyond repair, which would be the reason why it leaves Thorpe in the first place, why would a broken ride be moved to a different park? What would that achieve? An already failing park acquiring a broken ride? How would it being at Chessington rectify the issues its having? Mechanical issues are not caused by location.... LOGIC people, LOGIC!
  13. StevenVig

    The Dome

    Where would they relocate the offices? Theres a few down there, including Cash Office, Staff Canteen, Security Room and Storage. I can't think of anywhere else they would go
  14. This picture will haunt me for the rest of my life
  15. Oh my giddy aunt! It's Young TPM!!!
  16. Where on earth in this track are you hearing anything remotely African!?
  17. StevenVig


    Wow, I've just read all of this. It really is closed season isn't it!?
  18. Fastrack* Thorpe wishes it was Disney
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