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Everything posted by StevenVig

  1. Login to your PeopleBank Account and check for a new tab called "My Interviews"
  2. The Mugs are excellent, I have a Beanoland one, its heavy, but I love drinking out of it! :angry:As for your friend's not knowing about the offer, you should have come back into the shop and asked us to refund you and re - process the transaction with the offer!
  3. Thorpe Park do not email you the Assesment Centre Dates & Times. They will only email you to tell you whether or not your Application has been successful. If your Application is successful, you will then have to select a Date & Time from the list provided on your People Bank Account. But this list only shows up if your Application has been successful/accepted.
  4. StevenVig


    I See I See, wish I had £200 to give ya though
  5. I Know exactly how you feel! Only just you wait, if you are invited back next season and return, you may end up having to organize it all over again yourself! Rather than the park call you to tell you whats going on, ugh, annoying Lego
  6. The Mugs are one of the most popular items! The 3 for 2 offer is still running, and has been for a fair few seasons now. Ha.
  7. StevenVig


    Premium Annual Pass? Lady GaGa Tix?Chris I'm happy you posted, it's the first post in ages thats not about those friggin' challenges. ugh.
  8. ahaha I'm gurrdd.

    Listening to Dubstep Santa. (y)

  9. And your brown eyes, couldn't stay

    In your brown eyes, you watch her go

    Then turn the record on

    And wonder what went wrong


  10. I'm todays top poster! Oh Yes!

    Bet you never thought that'd happen, eh?

  11. I love the repaint. It is something I never did notice.Thanks for that
  12. I think we've all forgotten about Dragons Fury, which actually gives you some Thrill! Vampire just..... moves... slowly
  13. StevenVig


    I think all you need to do here Dan is just explain to them that you are approaching an age where you are able to make your own decisions. Sit them down and explain to them that you can be trusted, and that the Internet isn't as bad as the Media makes it out to be. It's only that bad if you don't actually know how to use the internet, which you do.In other words, tell them to back off and give you a little more space and freedom, but of course, don't actually say those words, just words to that effect. I'm posting this on behalf of Chris.Ryan thought Chris was dumped (as a moderator) which is infact incorrect. Chris actually stepped down from the position.Just to clear up any confusion.
  14. Vampire has always been plain and dull.I Must take a trip here!
  15. But Rattlesnake is genuinely good though.
  16. Unfortunately this cheap bit of plastic is staying.
  17. I never got the chance to ride it either. What's funny though is I have Loaded & Dispatched Trains on it. Ha. I never did hear any positive reviews about it, so I dont think I have missed out on very much.Are you going to come and visit this year Ricky?
  18. StevenVig


    I hope you dont honestly think those Security Options on Internet Explorer actually work!? That wont work, it will require an Administrators Username & PasswordGood Idea though.
  19. Jungle Coaster has already started Dismantling, not long before its fully gone. If you visit on 20th March (Opening Day), there will be a big empty space!
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