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Everything posted by StevenVig

  1. StevenVig


    The line is bearable, and you do get used to it after a while. Stealth is a good ride!
  2. StevenVig


    Stealth POV in 28 inches, over 2 Monitors! What more could I want!? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTVxXVZ27A0
  3. Your perfectly capable of walking, long as it may be, if you really are dedicated to Colossus as you say you are there's no problems.
  4. StevenVig


    Mania Hub is Unblocked from College!I'm one happy bunny now! xD
  5. Everything you have said there is exactly right Mikey.All the Commercial Departments in The Park have a target in which each Unit and F&B Outlet have to aim to get a minimumamount of money out of someone. For example in 2003 Colossus Shop had a target of getting each guest that came through the shop, to get 60p out of them.
  6. Well first of all, yes Amity Coves speakers were all working at the start of season. In regards to The Volcano, those speakers used to have their own zone I believe, but that zone was deleted or lost and is now quite a big fix. Or at least theyre just not connected anymore.CCR Station has a pair of the loudest Bose 802's on Park. So to say it has no audio baffles me, however your idea of brining 5,6,7,8 & Rhinestone Cowboy to Slammer is just silly. Imagine queueing for Slammer listening to that! Wheres the tension? Wheres the build up to the Full Throttle,Rotting Freefall Experience of Slammer!? You need to think about that one.
  7. That could be an explicit Track 4
  8. I prefer it to the old website, and I'm immensely happy that Semantic have got the contract again! However, those ridiculous nodding heads have got to go! The website will look slightly more professional without them. :lol:But apart from that, I really like it!
  9. I believe the FN Music was deliberately set to play across the park from 4pm onwards.
  10. StevenVig

    Video Games.

    Saw: The Videogame didn't really receive much in terms of advertising I believe.But I am definitely going to be purchasing this!*Just Ordered it from Amazon! Clicky!
  11. Annual Pass holders wont get in for free. Thats for UK Parks only. However the new Premium Annual Pass offers 50% off the price of a ticket at any international Merlin Attraction
  12. Someone, correct me if I'm wrongIts £10 for the whole year........
  13. The only Annual Pass I will be purchasing is the Premium one.Am I the only one who is Mega Excited about this £10 Refill Capsule!? xD
  14. StevenVig


    Doctor Who Who? I don't want college to open tomorrow, ugh!
  15. Yeah but I wanted to change the colour of text earlier in a post I had already made, but I couldnt.
  16. Still not doing anything xD
  17. when you try to edit a post, clicking on the "Use Full Editor" button does absolutely nothing.
  18. We are still humans you know! I don't think it needs Professional Attention.You just need to enforce a restriction and make sure you can stick to it.
  19. I guess it's different for different people. Though personally I've never heard of anyone having as many cravings as this in one day. But yes, just try to enforce a restriction.
  20. I'm going to be honest with you. Yes, its not usual for someone to perform this that amount of times. Though I wouldn't call it abnormal, it is very very unusual.
  21. If I've caught your drift correctly, its absolutely normal for you to carry these tendencies. Infact, some even say that it's expected from teenagers. I'm assuming you are in your early teens?
  22. It reads itself bubs :)

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