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Everything posted by AdamY

  1. Good find! Thought so.Ps, high five for being online at 3:50 am. We're cool
  2. It's brought over by ship from Ohio where it is manufactured... As far as I know B&M have stopped producing track in Switzerland? As for the final leg from Dover / Portsmouth to the park, I have no idea.
  3. There are also some clearer ones here on CF.Weird how it seems to be randomly strewn about all over the place... Not stacked or organised much at all!
  4. I thought I could see the start of the station foundations when I was there at the end of July, so it's good to hear that it's done. I suppose it makes sense to do it early because unlike Saw which just needed the cladding sheets fixed to the skeleton, this looks like it will need much more work in terms of themed render and stonework. It'll be good to see the station track go in! On that note, anyone else think the stations for these look really weird with the track sitting on the floor rather than recessed? I know it can't be helped because of the seats being so much lower, but it looks wrong!
  5. AdamY


    Whilst in New York, I saw the new Broadway revival of...I must say, one of the best musicals I have seen! The plot wasn't overly complicated but was surprisingly coherent for a musical, which I think is a perfect balance. The musical numbers - all fantastic and great choices for the period and mood of the piece - included "I Get a Kick Out of You", "Anything Goes" (Who'd have guessed?) and "It's De-Lovely". Set design was also very strong; in the large-scale music and dance scenes it was lavish and grand, but in the more character-driven scenes it was simpler, which allowed for more audience focus on the action itself. Finally, it must be said an absolutely outstanding cast. Joel Grey and Sutton Foster in particular were excellent.I really hope it comes to London soon, as many recent Broadway productions have, because I would love to see it again! The new revival cast soundtrack is released on September 20th, and will be setting sail for my iPod immediately!
  6. He did indeed miss it, and so sat down to make a very embarrassed sounding phone call to the person he was meant to be meeting! I agree Benin, so many people just lose all common sense when confronted with public transport...
  7. AdamY


    It's difficult hey And Phil it was $19.95 plus $19.95 postage, so not that bad all in. Plus ordering online rather than buying in the shop means not paying that pesky sales tax!
  8. I HATE this with a passion, it absolutely kills me. I always wonder if it's really that difficult to work out on a journey that the person probably takes every working day of their life, that the door buttons only work after they light up? Aargh! I got a good laugh a few weeks ago though on a train with a guy who obviously spends too much time on the tube where doors open automatically... We got to Sutton, the guy stood in front of the doors... Train stopped, he didn't move. Other people opened their doors, still a vacant yet somewhat expectant gaze out of the window. People started getting on through other doors, still no signs of life. READY TO DEPART came up on the board... Nothing. Door closing alarms went. No reaction. Only when the train moved off did he start frantically button-mashing in a somewhat pitiful attempt to leave the carriage. I nearly died, such were my efforts to conceal the guffaws of laughter trying to escape my mouth!
  9. AdamY


    Just ordered this rather adorable laptop bag in an effort to combat withdrawal symptoms! In fairness I tried to get it whilst there, but it was out of stock in the Emporium International shipping cost the same again that the actual item cost...
  10. I am quite fond of these words being used together, we should use this more often! Good spot Mark!
  11. Okay looking at that photo I can almost certainly say it isn't real. There is nowhere near enough mechanical gear on the turret gun, and the turret itself looks ridiculously plain and has no detail, markings, lifting lugs ect. Being a cadet I'm probably more familiar with this stuff than most... And to me it looks fake.Aside from that, yay for track!
  12. Well if you look at the fencing plan, it does in fact appear that the jetty will be accessable. Would post but have no computer, go find
  13. There was one 40 and one 50 on the MTDP - I guess the 2015 will now be the up to 50m one. Edit - looks like you removed your question...I was thinking, although I do agree the resemblance is uncanny, wouldn't an official tie-in be more pushed and in-your-face? I remember the Saw announcement clearly stating "based on the film"... Although I think it probably will be with this, just when the marketing for the film starts.
  14. At least when press / gp talk about it I won't have to get angry at the surplus 'the' they always add... 'The Stealth' and 'The Saw' annoys me no end. This now joins The Riddler's Revenge and others in the ranks of rides that actually have 'the' in the name!
  15. Explain?Some people just want to call everything Thorpe does crap for the hell of it, seems like... It's about a swarm attacking. We are riding the swarm. The Swarm seems good to me.
  16. Trying to load video on hotel wifi - I can only get up to 21 seconds I think in a way calling it The Swarm makes sense in the context - you 'ride' Nemesis, you 'ride' The Swarm. Makes sense.
  17. I had actually forgotten! Facepalm. I must say, I quite like it! It's original, interesting, looks like it has a strong style throughout everything they're doing so far... So I'm happy as of now!But anyway, now it kinda really feels like a new coaster! W00t!
  18. Being absolutely heartbroken about something, but not being able to tell anyone what it is and hence having to make something up every time you're asked why you're down </3
  19. AdamY

    Text Number?

    Do you mean the one that's like,FREE!TextschargedatnormalrateIf so, I think it's just a general comments and feedback thing, like an electronic version of the paper comment forms.
  20. AdamY


    Well my sister uses Spotify Open but her minutes never run down for some reason, and so far mine have run down about 10 minutes, and are stuck the rest of the time. I've been using it for ~4 hours!
  21. AdamY


    Finally got Spotify!
  22. You're on Mark - I'm bringing nunchucks :DAnd Benin, that's what I thought. Should be fun.
  23. The thing that struck me whilst wandering around the area on Wednesday hasn't been mentioned yet I don't think: the tiny size of the thoroughfare past Fish to the LC12 bridge.So basically, the tiny path I've shaded red is going to have to handle the weight of the amassed crowds trying to access LC12's island. You don't quite get a sense of it from this view, but walking down there the other day, it really is small. Doesn't seem intended as a main route to anywhere. If you think back to Saw's opening year crowds, am I the only one predicting absolute carnage at this location!?
  24. Instead of arguing over speculation and theories, how about we have some LC12 News in the LC12 News thread?Photos courtesy of Beans on CF... http://www.coasterforce.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=29847&start=910In this last one you can just about make out what I was talking about the other night, regarding possible start of station preparation.There are more at the link.
  25. The site was quite busy today, lots of work going on. Looks like a start has been made on the station (or at least foundations) because there was a wooden concrete pouring mold/frame around the location of the station. Didn't take any pics because the weather was rubbish so I didn't bring the camera. I'm sure some will surface though.
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