So, using my imagination, I'm not going to think about what I think will happen or whatever, just what I'd like to see happen at some point in the future...Make the Monorail stations a little more special. You're going to Alton Towers, it should feel like a big event. I'd keep the resort theme that currently plays but just add a few other tracks to it (obviously In The Hall....) so you've got a good loop going on, plus I'd update the footage that they show along with the TVs.The Queue for the Monorail to the Car Parks... I'd love for the whole queue and station to feel like a big celebration. I'd update the TV's again and have the stock footage playing, but also showing the Hotels and other resort offerings in more detail. A medley of park music, I think would be awesome along with some other tracks... including a very dramatic version of In The Hall... Get some basic lighting in there with some gels inIf money wasn't an option I'd have the walls covered in displays with information about the attractions; almost like a timeline of the park that can be added to and changed around as the park progress.If I'm being honest, I think Alton's entrance plaza is near perfect in terms of layout. The only things I'd change would be subtle cosmetic changes along with bulking out some of the facilities available to guests, such as guest services and the toilet facilities.Toilet facilities, I'd like to see brought into the 21st Century, parkwide. They don't have to be amazingly themed, but subtle decorations, music and a smart appearance would be fantastic.Attractions- wise, well, I agree the park need to increase their offerings on indoor attractions if they wish to open in the colder, winter months; a 4D cinema is a pretty good choice, I think. Though I'm still unsure on the use of an IP, hopefully next year I'll be pleasantly surprised. The park do lack a good selection of flat rides. However, what I wouldn't do is add a ton of them like Thorpe has done. I would think carefully about these additions as they play an important role in theme parks to support the more headline attractions. Unfortunately, at the moment the flat rides are so sub-standard in either their presentation or experience, they're not particularly supporting any of the bigger rides.I'd continue to re-furb existing areas. I don't think I'd consider changing any of the current themes, I'd just re-enforce them and bring them up to standards. I'd love to get rid of Rita sometime in the future; The Dark Forest won't feel right until Thirteen takes centre stage as its signature attraction- in terms of layout. I would definately add a flat ride to this area, add a feature to the area itself and also find some way to link everything together in a more obvious way, story wise. The area has such great potential. At the very least I'd re-direct some of Rita's queue.Black Hole Tent and X Sector re-generation. For me, a rollercoaster has to go into the tent. A solid family attraction that has more of a dark ride feel to it with rollercoaster elements. X Sector has always represented sinister human experiments with a hint of 1984, to me, I'd love to see this concept explode to make it more prominent throughout the area.I could go on, but I fear I will never stop!