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Everything posted by MikeyT

  1. HAHA! Ellie, I'll never be able to look at you in the same way again! But I can totally get where you're coming from actually.
  2. MikeyT


    Lol! Well when we come to do our special effects make-up unit it will be a lot more varied. The ageing one looks cool as well.
  3. Aha! Well I'll think about it, though I'm not making any promises! ;-)

  4. MikeyT


    Ahh, haha. In that case, go for Andrew's idea. Drench yourself in fake blood! If you have any make- up then I'd darken the area around your eyes and blend it out into your skin.
  5. MikeyT


    This was a burn wound that I applied using gelatine. Was also my first attempt so I was really proud! Gelatine is really cheap to buy though I would recommend adding a flavouring/ scent to it as the raw smell can be a bit much when on your face. It's really a bit disgusting and there isn't much flexibility, though I think it looks pretty neat. It could be adapted to help make it look more zombified! Scratch blood and colouring creams were also added to give the wound more depth.
  6. Hey mate! So are you going Fright Nights meetup? :-)

  7. Yes you do! Don't lie! Aha! You WANT it. Pahaaaa. Okay I proper have to get ready for college and have to leave in like 20 minutes. Have a great day. =D

  8. LOL! Stop it now! ;-) I can tell already that you're going to be a nightmare/ a lot of fun on the forums to moderate :P

    Can you please put Disaster Spector out of his misery as well.... *waves* if you're reading. Hehe ;-)

    Happy flirting you two!

  9. *Blushes* Nope, I'm afraid I'm more of the giver and not a taker! (A)

    LOL I just made myself cringe!

  10. :o Oh dear! I'm going to pretend you didn't really say that. ;-) LOL!
  11. Is one to talk! :DOkay that's annoying me now. I'll do it properly. Jord is a new member here on the Mania Hub forums and basically bums Apple and won't deny it!
  12. Yo Jimmy! (I've never said Yo before in my life.... though it feels like it should be said with your name!).

    Ramble ramble ramble..... welcome to the forums matey, :)

  13. Has a crush on some male members here.... (it's okay, we all do really ) *RUNS*
  14. A huge welcome to all members who've joined recently, enjoy posting and taking part in discussions. Jord, loved your introduction mate.
  15. Wow that looks fab! Rivals the Universal Parks in terms of themeing there. Slight homages to IOA's Port of Entry with their "Main Street", which can only be a good thing as that is a wonderful area of IOA.
  16. MikeyT

    Songs And Lyrics

    If you're thin, well you're a walking disease;If you're not, they're all screaming obese.If you're straight "why aren't you married yet?"If you're gay: "why aren't you waving a flag?"If it's wrong, you're knowing it,If it's right, you'll always miss,You can't win!The one who doesn't quite fit in,Under-dressed under your skin. Oh?A walking disaster.Every time you try to flyYou end up falling out of line, Oh;You can't win!
  17. Look who it is! ;)

  18. I believe WDW management removed it after deeming it as tacky. Or something to that effect!
  19. Always good to hear trip reports! Keep them coming. This makes me even more jealous that I'm not going this year!
  20. People seem to be missing the main point. The point isn't about running one- I'm pretty sure people can understand why attractions would be running at a reduced capacity if there was a minimal queue. The issue is having one train out when there is a queue in excess of 30 minutes.I agree the general public may not know how many trains can run on a track at any given time, but what they will know is the amount of time they've been queueing. It's a psychological thing with one train operation as well- a 30 minute queue with one train involves standing in the same position for an extended period of time, or not actually moving very far at all. With two trains with the same amount of queue time, you move a lot more and is a much more satisfying experience!
  21. I would say that through various marketing materials and promotions, the message has probably reached a lot of people that Thorpe Park probably isn't very suitable for anyone under 12. Though that's not to say that under 12s won't visit the park, some "families" (using the word as a group of relatives and not a word thrown out to describe parents and young children) have no choice but to take their younger children with them, for whatever reason.In cases like this, it does make sense to offer something that would entertain the younger members of the family. Let's be honest, next year's attraction is hardly an adrenaline pumper is it?This is why Alton Towers will remain on a par with Chessington as the UK's best theme park for me. Adding rides and attractions that cater for everyone- thrillseekers, young children and rides that people can all enjoy together. It's not just about things like "themeing", it's about shows, restaurants, retail, park facilities. I think we should try and remain on topic from now on, remember this topic is about Alton Towers and whether you think it will remain number 1!
  22. Hey Ben, welcome to the forums.
  23. Just to back Ryan up here, what I've read this evening has annoyed me a bit- this is not the place to post petty insults to each other; it's not big, it's not clever and you manage to make yourself look like a fool all at once. If I see anyone posting stupid, immature insults to other members again then I will make it a personal obligation to warn you like there's no tomorrow. And breathe!
  24. As a final thought from the overall impression I got from people....I'd like to just point out that whilst it can feel as though you cannot voice your opinion here about anything; be that in the Thorpe, Chessie, Alton or other sub-forums across the site, it shouldn't be that way at all.The whole point of discussion and debate is that people are entitled to challenge other people's opinions in the correct way. If you're arguing your point in the correct way (taking the word argue as a civilised way of writing) then you are adding to the discussion that's constructive and can be really interesting to read the different opinions, even if it can be frustrating if people don't always agree with you. It can undoubtedly become heated at times but it's important to remember that they are people's opinions and ultimately we must respect them, as much as it could pain for us to do so.Also, although it can seem that way, we're not here as a marketing tool. Everything that has been said has been our own personal opinions and honestly not connected to the park in any way, shape or form. Some people prefer to voice their negative comments elsewhere; ie- via formal communication with the park.
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