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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Dan

    Video Games.

    Was funny Benin but getting little bored of these pictures now I feel sorry for playstation users
  2. I'm relatively new to this forum and feel generally welcome to the community . Everyone is really down to earth and all have there mixed oppinions in here which is really useful . I've had a few abrupt post but proberly because I've caused them in my early days , but the longer your on here the more feelings of exceptablity you get I feel . I've seen a couple of new members loose intrest in the Site because of some comments . I feel there's no need for abusive or general bad comments on here , people have Seen me post this in chat a few times we should all be a happy family and act like respectable adults . I know I've had a bad habit of posting chat in topics and really sorry I wish I could step back and remove to remove my sins . I'm still loving every day of this forum and the people are really helpful and have really nice personallity .and hoping to stay on here for many years to come .
  3. Dan


    Lol nice one jord !
  4. ;rolleyes: usally allways over relationship issue it's about 90% of the cause of it but what I all ways say to my self there is always plenty of other fish in the sea and there's always someone else out there for you .Doctors is best way and tablets work quite well for some people . My friend used to self harm him self with any thing too . And used to take drugs which killed him in the end overdosed .
  5. One of my friends had done self harming for years unfortunately he is no longer with us sorry Lauren I'f seems bad , I tried my hardest to stop him from self harming him self and couldn't stop him from doing it, he had medicationfrom doctors to try slowing it down and try to stop but unforutantly didn't really have great deal of effect . His self harming was really bad on the scale of 1-10 would say 9 .I wouldn't feel guilty Lauren it's not your fault and wouldn't take to much to heart I know your a kind girl and want to help as much as you can but there's really nothing that you can do to stop it , the only one thing you've got to keep asking your friend is why ? Why are you doing this a try and make them feel happier .and remove any sharp objects from there belongings . Tell your friends parents they can help too the more help the betterIf want more private chat just send me a pm I will be happy to help you more I'f need
  6. Dan


    Nice one Ellie lmao
  7. I find saw and Colossus the tightest being 6ft6 and 34 waist But still good rides ride Colossus front row is best saves hitting head on seat in front hope this helps
  8. Dan


    Hope this is right place to post this I just wanted to say thankyou to you all last night for a great chat I felt really down yesterday and you all really made me happy and welcome I really enjoyed it on there , I love this forum it's a great atmosphere and truley great people . Thankyou all Dan xxooxx
  9. Well don't you love car theif s ! Just purchased new car and trying to sell old one put for sale signs in windows and went shopping to tesco last night and left in car park went in for weekly shop come out to find glass all over passenger seat and a screwdriver hanging out of lock There was nothing in the car at all ! So why ... My gf was in real shock and really shacky to see this which I didn't like at all I called the police straight away and they came down to look at the car and spotted blood on the door rubber around window and have taken car to police station to give it test to find the thieves .:(But I suppose one good thing is I had a ride home with gf in police car with trolley Full of shopping .
  10. Dan


    A true gentlemen sheepie I love those puppies always wanted one but don't really have space I my tiny house I'm glad that you didn't brake your brother heart and made himHappy . I wish everyone was as kind as you .
  11. Wow someone woke up on wrong side of bed ! £3.19 Is expensive but , you didn't have to buy it and londis are not cheap on anything .I find tesco express better good deals In there ^_^Sorry I can't help being not good on words doesn't help being dislecsic .
  12. I think will be busy because people are off work and schools are off I'm afraid
  13. I see Ive only been back row on Colossus and saw and they felt same as the front but there in carts so effect would be different to nemmie I will give it ago in couple of weeks time thanks
  14. Aah cool I will take in condcideration sorry to head about flight :(x
  15. A friend told me. That I'f we sit at the back row we will get more G force is this true on nemmie or is he fibbing
  16. Sorry Ellie thought this was rant about anything am I wrong ?
  17. I'm buying bigger car because babby on way what do you all think of Honda civic type r s ? nice size boot for push chair and baby seat should get in back nicely I feel
  18. Bears and agree we all know about condoms but wierd merchandise in a theme park .
  19. Dan

    Sign in on chat sexy :)

  20. I've thought has always been jolty too for ages
  21. Fast and furious 5 out on april 21 st is anyone going to see it
  22. What do they think of next
  23. Dan


    I know how you all love Justin beiber ! Here's a little one for you allHttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6Uo5-_yNaw&feature=youtube_gdata_playerI heard the original of this song playing whilst queuing at main entrance to Thorpe
  24. Dan


    I love track no 10 &13 on that album the album is cool but pritty old now
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