One of my friends had done self harming for years unfortunately he is no longer with us sorry Lauren I'f seems bad , I tried my hardest to stop him from self harming him self and couldn't stop him from doing it, he had medicationfrom doctors to try slowing it down and try to stop but unforutantly didn't really have great deal of effect . His self harming was really bad on the scale of 1-10 would say 9 .I wouldn't feel guilty Lauren it's not your fault and wouldn't take to much to heart I know your a kind girl and want to help as much as you can but there's really nothing that you can do to stop it , the only one thing you've got to keep asking your friend is why ? Why are you doing this a try and make them feel happier .and remove any sharp objects from there belongings . Tell your friends parents they can help too the more help the betterIf want more private chat just send me a pm I will be happy to help you more I'f need