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Everything posted by Dan

  1. I've seen some wierd and wonderful things in the hill lift mecanics from a hair band that's been ever since I first went on it and last time I went on there was a squashed coke bottle . Amazing how jigsaw can trap these things ....
  2. Welcome To the forum briony , hope you enjoy your stay on here for many years to come
  3. Dan


    I usally find it smoother at the back in the cobra roll but not as thrilling a view . And always find the last spin the most painful of all before the station .
  4. Dan


    Oh sorry to hear that holly I hope you find some where else soon .
  5. it was my iPod that went too you must be psychic Ive called up apple customer care line and they told me to send it back and they will replace it free of charge ,which I thought was really kind .
  6. Don't you just love it when electrical items break after a year .I'm sure they put a self distruct chip in them so you buy another one !
  7. I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes that video , it's true were really lucky to have such a nice place in the uk
  8. Dan

    SAW: Alive

    Good to here that it's open and I wonder I'f they changed the layout inside
  9. Dan


    Aww die never heard anyone say that before :0 I'f you think it sounds old now you should have Heard in previous years it's smoother and quieter this year and better than ever agreed that the corkscrew can be painful . But I still love it
  10. Dan


    Brilliant I could never see it thanks will keep my eyes open for it next time
  11. Shame to here that it stalled , I agree with you there benin. Last year I went on it with high winds and rain and it was perfectly fine :/ and stealth was shut that's how bad it was . Shame to see it out of action it's a great ride .
  12. Dan


    Ive always wondered where the camera spot on colosuss Is I always end up with rubbish picture does anyone know where the cameras hidden
  13. I love the look if thrope in it's older days looked better
  14. I got on saw 5 times in a row once and never had my head buzz so much in my life (July 2010 about 3pm )
  15. Brilliant I will let her know thanks
  16. I'm sure White spirit won't harm it can't see pics using safari and won't load but I've White spirited loads of stickers and is fine but only use little bit at a time
  17. Was a joke lol but is there any chance you can take close up Picture I'm a dab hand in paints and can see if it's line marker for roads
  18. I've got a few little questions my friend wants a Thorpe annual pass is it possible to go there buy the annual pass an use it on same day :)or is it best to get online or something ?
  19. Welcome to the forum nice looking sign . I agree with seeing one at the station many years ago But still great looking sign The White splotches on sign could be bird poop lol
  20. Dan


    Well done Holly knew you would get something soon
  21. That really gets to me I'm bad in exams I wish I concentrated more at school and not Been a little devil
  22. Dan

    SAW: Alive

    Sounsds like you had any unscarey one I've been in there multiple times and in different places in the row of people and I think you had a time when the actors were not at there best , this years was better mote clear and see more things IMO the actors were everywhere seemed like there was loads double than last year . Which was better for the amusement. The pictures described are just advertisement gimics I think not seen them in the flesh either and must have been in 6 times I would say and the last time was the beat of them all I almost got lost lol which is unlike me because have the ability to see in complete darkness .
  23. Dan


    Good luck holly
  24. I always used to wear trainers to school that where black and teaches gave up telling me because I didn't listen
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