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Everything posted by JackR

  1. That is the sort of thing I love about Fright Nights..... the atmosphere is amazing I'd just hope it would turn like that as soon as it gets dark though, imagine walking around at about 7pm with that sort of atmosphere
  2. Pretty cool how your own street and your face book friends appear in the video :DNot so sure about The Swarm app acting as you though... O.o
  3. Looking good :DLoving how the background is animated and you can put your Facebook profile picture on the missing wall... It's nice that there's a diary for Lez Cougan and a developing blog too. A very exciting touch to the already great construction IMO :)EDIT: It's cool how you can scroll over the missing list with your arrow keys too. I'd imagine that photo collection is going to grow massive over time...
  4. I'm going on the 14th I've heard it's not supposed to be too busy, probably similar to this week which is average all day but it dies down in the evening. Asylum will always be busy but the other mazes have apparently been okay.
  5. Is there anywhere I can find this audio, I don't usually find that sort of thing particularly interesting but I haven't heard the Stealth girl audio yet...
  6. Not sure if anyone has seen these pictures of Experiment 10 on the FN website but I thought it would be worth posting...http://www.thorpepark.com/frightnights/The last picture looks the worst for me... Can't wait to try this maze out
  7. Has the general theming improved this year and was there any 'twisted surprises' like the website stated?
  8. Okay, thanks If I have any luck with the creepy girl advert I'll post it.
  9. Ahhh thanks, I'll look for that. Is it a TV or Radio advert though?
  10. I think it starts off really scary but deteriorates from there... Good advert in all though, should be very effective Is there a TV advert for Fright Nights yet?
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsPBK9S5YBMPretty much a repeat of what Kevin said, but I hope The Swarm has a similar trim/brakes run at the end...
  12. It should be fine Jason, if the 16th and 14th is, then the 8th will be for sure! Also I have a teacher training but it's only my school and I live in Bromley without giving too much away
  13. Does anybody know if Friday the 14th will be busy? I know it's near the meet but just to clarify is that usually a busy time if it's near the start?
  14. JackR

    This Or That

    Aluminium, has more properties Windows or Apple?
  15. Looks pretty spooky, sorry if I sound stupid but I've never been in the Asylum so is that at the start or end of it? I know you said the front door was open, but is that by the doors that say 'keep out' on them or is that specific part pictured in the link at the entrance?
  16. JackR


    I like doing this thing where I spit out chewing gum and kick it before it hits the ground (don't ask why...) so I done it in school and it landed in a sixth formers hair... O.o
  17. Another quick question, I'm going on the 14th which is right near the start of Fright Nights, do you think it will be that busy (compared to other FN dates) and would it really be worth buying the fastpass?
  18. Does anybody know roughly how much single maze fast passes are for Fright Nights? I know you can pay £15 for all of them but has there been an option to buy them separatly in the past and if so how much, roughly, were they? Thanks in advance
  19. My Dad was renewing my Anual Pass and I checked the Thorpe website, on the opening times page it said 10am-10pm for the whole of Fright Nights but 10am-5pm for that day, might be because the 6th isn't open for people with out passes, it says there isn't a preview day
  20. It's 10am to 5pm I would go but I've got school that day -__-Does that mean the mazes will open before 04:00pm as well because that only leaves 1 hour to try them all if they do?
  21. I have a day off on the 14th October so I will be going with some mates, it happens to be a Fright Nights day so when I'm not in the mazes I'll try to get a few pictures of the track, seems a while away from now but vertical construction would have progressed massively by then so I'll see what I can do
  22. Your best bet is to check the terms and conditions on the back of the ticket, if not try looking on the website or ringing their helpline and if that fails then just check on the day and hope for the best
  23. Well Jonny392 did ask if it was the entrance to the ride, and as he is a new member of the forums that is a perfectly applicable question to ask. Archive's answer was short but it did answer the original question asked by Jonny392 so to be honest it neither of the posts were pointless in my opinion...
  24. I went today and it was empty We got on Stealth 6 times in a row in the last half an hour there, and we did Colossus, Nemesis Inferno and Saw (the ride and alive) 3 times as well as all the flats except Detonator and Slammer. Plus we didn't buy a single fast pass! The weather was awful and the Stunt Show was called off at the 04:00pm showing but the motor cross riders were available for autographs and stuff. Over all great day and if the weather is like what it was today for the next few days, I'd imagine it would be the same for them.
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