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Everything posted by JackR

  1. JackR


    If your ever feeling down, just join one of our Skype hypes. The amount of stuff Liam comes out with that makes you ROFL is unreal... It's not because it's funny, it's because he just pops out from no where and says something really random or makes a weird noise... :')
  2. Unfortunately the picture I posted before hand was too small to see so check it out at this link: http://www.helpfeedthetroll.com/?cat=1768
  3. Liam, Lauren and I (well me, and them two agreed) came up with an idea of what could possibly happen in the forthcoming years. They will clear the CCR and where there is available space, build one of the proposed flat rides. The queue line will either be situated over some of the space the CCR already takes up, or it will be partially situated in the old area of Miss Hippo's Fungle Jungle Safari and stretch up to where the flat ride is. I know nothing is set in stone, but that seems like a pretty decent move for Thorpe by using old unwanted space and placing a flat out of the way without clogging up the already cramped main ride areas...
  4. I wet my self on that ride... Does that count as a childhood memory? :'(
  5. For anybody who is interested... Credit to Coasterollie from YouTube
  6. After going through, I can kind of work out a rough layout from what I remember... Not much after being locked in a cupboard due to lots of strobes!Is there a map of the layout? I have one of The Curse but is there one for this, or any of the other mazes in that case?
  7. JackR


    It's a bit hit and miss with band like that I think though. The Wombats are pretty good but the others are pretty crap IMO I'm a big fan of mainstream music and always listen to Capital in the car but I almost always have electronic on my laptop. I might start listening to The Wombats some more though now... I'm also not at all impressed with how Spotify have stopped unlimited listens to songs if you don't pay for it :/
  8. JackR


    I thought they were, but I'm getting into them now. Also, a cheeky bit of rep for your Wombats joke there Sidders
  9. One boy in the year below me was singed in the eye with a cigarette lighter... on the middle of a roundabout!? My sister was also tied to a tree with one of those extendible dog leads... o.O
  10. JackR


    My original thought of The Wombats was that they were an Indie/Alternative pile of turd, but after listening to a few of their songs I've realised they are amazing! I usually listen to electronic or dubstep along side some dance etc. but some of their songs make me poo rainbows and happiness...
  11. I always remember my friend showing me an amazing RCT3 Thorpe recreation by NeilFever... I was chuffed when I found out he was on here
  12. 1. To live a healthy happy long life.2. To have good job which pays alot3. To have a MEGA FIT wife
  13. One boy threw his glasses at the wall in French and the smashed, every thing went silent and he said ''f*ck I needed those''I'm not one to bully or be mean because I'm ridden with guilt after and it just makes you look like a **** but I once threw a rubber at this annoying boy in German and he started swearing and shouting, when the teacher asked him to calm down he threw a German dictionary at her and ran out the classroom... Nobody found out it was me
  14. One boy in my year had his P.E kit p*ssed on and thrown in a bin, but thats about the worst that's happened in my year...
  15. My sister done that with The Sims 3.... She wasn't too happy when I un installed it...
  16. I'd be laughing when I s**t in the person who done it's mouth...
  17. I laughed so much at this, wrong I know but so funny...I also hate two faced people, a girl I'm really close to took an embarrassing video of me on Skype and put it on Facebook.. As funny as I found it, I asked her to take it off as it was embarrassing and after 2 hours of trying to make her she done it just before midnight. This was a school night so I went to sleep and woke up to go to school only to find out she re-uploaded the video whilst I was asleep...Lets just say the racist comments and pictures I drew of her didn't really help the situation much either.EDIT: On the subject of bullies, I'm going to Florida with my school for the parks and I know one of the boys who went last year. (Currently year 11) the boy and his mates hid in a (current year 13) boys room and when he got out of the shower with nothing but a towel round his waist they pushed him over, pull the towel off of him and hit him with light sabers whilst one of them filmed it.... The also smothered the same boys bathroom floor with shampoo so he slid pver and hid under his bed at night and ordered seven pizzas to his room as service.... As harsh as this all is I can't help but laugh :')
  18. Somebody on Coaster Force has stated the name is not necessarily true... There is a quote from PA saying it's related to the Himalayas but it says nothing about Shambhala being the correct name. The rendering on Coaster Force may not be real too so I'm not getting hyped up about the name or rendering too much... Yay for an announcement however! Bit shocked it isn't a Giga though...
  19. a few pictures of this years FN... Makes se7en look *** in my opinion
  20. http://thorpeparkmania.co.uk/viewphoto/3263I always imagined a flat ride (Giant Top Spin in particular) to be on the empty piece of land on the far left of the picture between the helix and the final turn before the second brake run... There probably isn't enough space for a Top Spin but a flat ride of any sort would probably be situated on the far side of the island to the bridge...
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