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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. So the London and York Dungeons will close any day now due to the outbreak. I can see the parks follow any day now. update. So will Shreks Adventure.
  2. I can see the parks closing/delay opening any day now, especially with everything else Corona related. Also, West-end shows and the like have no suspended performances until further notice also.
  3. Difficult to say whether how great the final product is, but it certainly looks an improvement on what the ride has been the last few years at least. The added storyline certainly gives the ride an extra element and generally seems like a nod to the Terror Tomb days. The music is noticeably less distinctive but seems to work well enough for what’s there.
  4. Matt 236


    Well, I think I know what’s winning best coaster in this year’s forum awards now.
  5. Guess we’ll have to wait until 2021 now? Oh. Well.
  6. Matt 236


    I promise this isn’t me. I promise! I am not at the park today anyway.
  7. Definitely seen worse map designs, but could definitely be better too. To be fair, the design has been similar (if not the same) since 2019. The accuracy isn’t amazing, but then again which maps actually are these days? Have definitely seen worse for sure.
  8. Honestly baffled how far and extreme everything is going now because of the virus, however if it drastically reduces the chances of it spreading, that can only be a good thing. Wake me up when this is all over!
  9. Disneyland Resort will be closing from the 14th March due to the virus. https://wdwnt.com/2020/03/breaking-disneyland-resort-temporarily-closing-on-friday-due-to-coronavirus-covid-19-outbreak/ Honestly don’t know when this is going to end as it’s really going out of hand.
  10. This is already looking an absolutely gorgeous coaster.
  11. I just like Blackpool Pleasure Beach anyway. Sure it’s not the best park out there by any means, but the park atmosphere, variety of rides and everything just make for a well rounded park and it’s probably the nearest thing we’ve got to the likes of Cedar Point or Kennywood. I am quite aware this well depress some. I do think the Big One recently has been riding the best it ever has done too.
  12. Colossus was being built during my park hiatus years, which is probably a pity really. I am old enough to remember riding Tidal Wave during opening year with it’s fireball effect and then returning to witness the damage after the fire. Twenty Years ago, wow!
  13. This park is literally the definition of real life Roller Coaster Tycoon! By next year (at the latest) I expect them to have more coaster than Magic Mountain, making them the park with the highest number of coasters in the world.
  14. Practically finished from the looks. Just a matter of time before we see construction for that ‘planned’ Mine Train coaster now.
  15. Fins is no more as Infinity Bar and Kitchen replaces it. Must be a gerstlauer thing. Black Mirror looks alright, haven’t played Block Busters in years though.
  16. Theres so many great theme park soundtracks out there, which made selecting very difficult. I do think Efteling has some of the best out there amongst Phantasialand and Europa. Haven’t had the pleasure to do Walibi Holland yet, but that might change later in the year. I recall Plopsa having catchy music on my washout visit.
  17. Think we need some more Top 10 variations. Top 10 Theme Park Soundtracks: 10/ The Island Theme- Thorpe Park Resort The direction of the park has been heavily questionable over the last number of years, however the introduction of the main theme is one of the few better things that has arguably been introduced. I know this placement will be a mixed-bag to some, but I think the introduction of this music definitely gives the entrance area at least, more of a build up and atmosphere. It does beat the chart music indefinitely. 9/ Main Street USA- Disneyland Paris One of my most exciting theme park memories was visiting Disneyland Paris for the first time (5 years nearly already?), but nothing could’ve helped boost that feeling than the beautiful Main-street soundtrack. Comprising a mixture of traditional songs and ones from shows/musicals, the playlist beautifully helps put together what must be one of the most impressive theme park entrances around. N.B I believe the park use the mix from the original park now. 8/ Valhalla- Blackpool Dramatic and forcefully attention grabbing, nothing pleases the ear more than listening to the main theme of Valhalla. The ride may not be operational for 2020, but least it’s soundtrack still boosts out from the nearby speakers. 7/ Droomvlucht- Efteling 6/ Euromir- Europa Park One of the weirdest (yet wonderful) pieces of mainstream theme park music to exist. The unique soundtrack greatly complimented the ride, whether it’s in the queue line or going up the lift of forever. It works perfectly! 5/ Fata Morgana- Efteling Efteling stride with some truly magical pieces of music, but not many can overturn the wonders of the score of Fata Morgana. Meaning to be a mirage, the music perfectly blends amongst the many rich scenes of the attraction, whether that be the grand palace suite or town scenes within the ride. The attraction is essentially an Arabian take on Pirates Of The Caribbean, but that doesn’t take anything away from the ride. 4/ Klugheim/Taron Soundtrack- Phantasialand PHANTASIALAND real,y know how to master mysterious and whimsical themes in their parks and the music really seems to hit the nail on the head there. What I like about the Klugheim theme is how the music is varied yet developed throughout the area giving enough balance to keep it interesting, whilst also entailing a strange yet uncharted vibe to the area. 3/ Phantom Manor- Disneyland Paris I am completely aware this is a variation and re-work of the original Hsunted Mansion soundtrack, but there is something just remarkable about this theme working. Whilst I’m yet to experience either of the American rides, the theme from the Paris definitely takes the music a step further by giving a deeper more meaningful and perhaps emotional content. This wraps the whole Frontier Land Story together rather nicely. 2/ Chiapas Theme- Phantasialand I adore much of Phantasialand’s music, but the Chiapas theme tops all of it. Mysterious, upbeat and soothing are just some of the words you could use to describe the soundtrack. From it’s main theme to it’s wonderful (yet hilarious) disco room Varient. The Budapest orchestra and IMA score struck gold here! 1/ Europa Park suite, - Europa Park This piece of music is honestly gorgeous, atmospheric, cinematic and makes for an amazing soundtrack. You know a piece of music is great when it gives you a positive vibe and always make you feel better after listening. Tried to give a variety of music here, hence why some things didn’t make the cut.
  18. There’s definitely something clearly planned for the ride as they wouldn’t have mentioned anything otherwise. As they say, it’s better than nothing!
  19. Really liking the look of these updates. This coaster is gold!
  20. Matt 236

    2020 Season

    That’s ok, in a few years they will call themselves “the scariest place in Staines” or something like that.
  21. That’s an interesting stunt to promote the brand new movie based on the ride. This could’ve only happened on the Jungle Cruise. It’s a splashy world after all.
  22. A plus one is a plus one. Count me in! Black Mirror looks alright I suppose.
  23. I call bingo! I like Black Mirror so I hope they don’t mess this up! Slammer isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
  24. Even missing the ride’s peak years by some considerable margin, I have noticed the station’s standards slip considerably from my first ever visit in 2006. Back then, the chandeliers were still hanging, with a better lighting package, not to mention a noticeably better quality of theming, audio and atmosphere. Oh and train service too, but let’s forget that for now. I’ll wait until opening to see if the station has changed (and how), but who knows what will happen and what they may have done. Must admit, the idea of the original theme being replaced does concern me, especially as I consider much of Graham Smart’s park music to be masterpieces.
  25. I understand that the growth that Thorpe took on in the noughties was extreme and unrealistic (as far as a long term business model goes), and it is pretty clear they have invested in cheap additions additions (especially in recent years), just for the sake of something new. Of the choice of this or something every few years or something, I would rather see the latter. Whether that be some big thrill coaster, a fun flat ride or even a family attraction, which the park seemingly lacks. Swarm is a tricky one, as whilst it didn’t bring in the numbers as hoped it was still a generally well received ride (as many have said before). DBGT in the other hand was a massive failure to them in many ways. Indeed, but when you look at the quality of what Phantasia have added, it can simply put wonders and jealousy upon other parks. One has to just mention Taron and see how much better the overall quality that Park has risen to in that time. I think Thorpe do seriously need to reconsider what they are doing and where they are going whilst trying to make it more of a commercial success. It won’t be easy or happen overnight, but let’s see. Legoland targets the younger families and Chessington caters for slightly older families and animal lovers. So it’s a question whether they go for the all ages or just the thrills. Were they to increase promoting within central London, I do wonder how much of a difference it would make?
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