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Everything posted by Glitch

  1. Still cheap in comparison to Winter wonderland etc.
  2. Going back to the POV'S of mazes I think it's a shame that TP don't do POV's officially if it's the last year that maze is going to be open. So that everyone can see and remember it. Having never been on 7 and Hellgate it would of been nice to see what they were like.
  3. It would be pretty hard as it's easy to loose where you are.
  4. Sunday 19th would have short queues especially on the the rides at night as demand becomes higher for the mazes. Maze queue would still be short aswell. For the best of the best go on the Friday.
  5. Yep I totally agree with the whole touching thing. It's a shame that we have not seen some of the characters from the film though. Also that room did not symbolise to me as being a basement but I though it was one of the best rooms.
  6. Why is it only open till 5pm on a Saturday?
  7. Is that the only with the spinning doll at the end with no other doors to go through so you have to go back on yourself? Out of interest what were the scare ratings on the map for each maze?
  8. We had to go back on ourselves but it went to a new part of the maze.
  9. Saturday so long ish second weekend so maybe a bit shorter than last weekend I would say maze queues of around an hour. And yes when in the asylum queue yesterday some kids were abusing the queue line actor and security was all over the place at the asylum. It had to be evacuated as an actor got punched.
  10. So guys how do you get to the control room? MBV to me felt rushed as actors just pushed me around the maze. Has anyone done the CITW room were you go in theres a spinning doll dead end and then the door goes to a different room?
  11. If anything like tonight the park will be dead but there are a lot of gypsies on a Sunday.
  12. Did you find the MBV actors were holding onto your back and pushing you through the maze. Shame I had to leave at 7 due to my sister.
  13. A little rant why have the food outlets stopped doing refills on the Merlin bottles. It's very annoying!!
  14. Back home now guys as I've got coursework to do. Cabin in the woods was OMG amazing. Me and my sister were in a group on our own so it was creepy. We got stuck in the room with the spinning doll at the end for a while until we worked out that we had hit a dead end. The attention to detail was great especially with the lift shaft. Overall it was amazing. My bloody valentine didn't scare me as it just felt as it I was being grabbed by civilians and rushed on to the next room as well as it being easy to see were the actors are hiding. ( Does each side have a tunnel now?) And I only saw Harry once as he was walking out of chasing the group in front but it was still a fun and dark maze with great themeing. I loved the actors around the queue lines as it really helped to pass the time whilst waiting. Those miners and hill billies were great!
  15. Has anyone got the best order to do the mazes due to queue times?
  16. Love that song must create a great atmosphere! Can't wait for my visit tomorrow?
  17. So the big question is..... Do we need to go to Florida?
  18. Stretchy is but they are up from alton towers.
  19. http://live.thorpenerd.com/ Rumour is park will be near capacity.
  20. So asylum and saw best this year I thought so.
  21. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=638037296240769&set=a.143607662350404.35647.114248348619669&type=1&theater Might answer you're question.
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