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Everything posted by Glitch

  1. If anything like tonight the park will be dead but there are a lot of gypsies on a Sunday.
  2. Did you find the MBV actors were holding onto your back and pushing you through the maze. Shame I had to leave at 7 due to my sister.
  3. A little rant why have the food outlets stopped doing refills on the Merlin bottles. It's very annoying!!
  4. Back home now guys as I've got coursework to do. Cabin in the woods was OMG amazing. Me and my sister were in a group on our own so it was creepy. We got stuck in the room with the spinning doll at the end for a while until we worked out that we had hit a dead end. The attention to detail was great especially with the lift shaft. Overall it was amazing. My bloody valentine didn't scare me as it just felt as it I was being grabbed by civilians and rushed on to the next room as well as it being easy to see were the actors are hiding. ( Does each side have a tunnel now?) And I only saw Harry once as he was walking out of chasing the group in front but it was still a fun and dark maze with great themeing. I loved the actors around the queue lines as it really helped to pass the time whilst waiting. Those miners and hill billies were great!
  5. Has anyone got the best order to do the mazes due to queue times?
  6. Love that song must create a great atmosphere! Can't wait for my visit tomorrow?
  7. So the big question is..... Do we need to go to Florida?
  8. Stretchy is but they are up from alton towers.
  9. http://live.thorpenerd.com/ Rumour is park will be near capacity.
  10. So asylum and saw best this year I thought so.
  11. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=638037296240769&set=a.143607662350404.35647.114248348619669&type=1&theater Might answer you're question.
  12. We will have to see what the music is like.
  13. I totally agree looking at photos and the actors etc.
  14. Not sure if this is the right topic but oh well I'm sure you will have fun reading this! http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Thorpe_Park
  15. with a load of hype around FN and people wanting to go etc..
  16. Twitter has exploded the last few hours.
  17. On that note someone with a camera head straight to BWP and capture some footage before dark.
  18. Get those Conga lines ready!

  19. Talking of that. I found this on twitter. https://twitter.com/search?src=typd&q=%23frightnights Scroll down to the work time one it shows this years entrance.
  20. I believe tonight or tomorrow is employee preview.
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