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Everything posted by Glitch

  1. Why is Monday 4th of November open till 8pm. Is it to celebrate the closing of the park? Anyway I will be going hopefully it won't be too busy.
  2. I really wish fright nights was open all week this week for a quieter experience.
  3. Thats the big thing overcoming the fear of doing your first maze.
  4. All mazes you take your bag with you.
  5. At first me and my mate thought that Swarm were playing really ravey music.
  6. So after the end of Fright nights will we be allowed brave it alone reviews?
  7. Glitch


    Does anyone know how busy it will be Sunday next week as I am speculating going?
  8. Is 5million enough to repair this park? When rollercoasters like the swarm cost a lot more.
  9. GO Friday. It's quiet, ert and mazes!!! Besides the daytime will be quiet.
  10. The coaster is also rumoured to be a family style coaster.
  11. So 16 or 18 I am so confused?
  12. there must be a guy in a wheelchair did it on crutches, so there must be another route to skip out the section. The director was great fun when we saw him walking around the park although not being very scary, camp and american but it was great being casted.
  13. There is an actor who goes you that way and so on.
  14. Lol I can only remember the ramp then the tunnel!
  15. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151929778200867&set=vb.27217550866&type=2&theater Where is that pathway?
  16. I miss the days of bring a pumpkin and get in for free! I think that was 2006!
  17. They are constantly asylum last week broke down whilst I was in the queue and did again this week aswell as MBV but I guess a breakdown could be anything from an actor being assaulted to lighting failure. Could someone please explain to me how a scare zone gets an 60min+ queue?
  18. Thorpe's idea of FN themeing.
  19. What's happened to the police car?
  20. Rant time: Fasttrack is really poor this year for those of us who decide to queue in the normal line. So I was in the queue for MBV and it decides to break down or somebody had an accident etc, meaning we were in the queue for 30mins longer. So when the maze reopend again the groups were being batched with 8 people from fast track and then two from the standard queue surely this is not fair after waiting so long whilst these guys have waited 5mins. On the plus side whilst it had ceased operation the entire cast came out and interacted with the queue line.
  21. Hours need to be extended on a Saturday to midnight!
  22. Don't have a clue about fast track (Don't think so) but they probably will by next week. But yep the queue bent round the hot dog place and back past the log flume so we gave it a miss.
  23. Firstly chill tomorrow will be quiet as with every Sunday. Asylum- 100mins CITW- 100mins MBV- 90MINS SAW alive - 2hours Blair witch project -80mins
  24. Very crowded full review later.
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