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Everything posted by EC!

  1. I really can't see this happening, but then this is merlin, who said last year there was no physical way of turning the back rows of swarm backwards, but did anyway, mind you I still think it is extremely unlikely, seeing they could just get there own as a medium term project seeming that spinball coast around £3,500,000, but also again very unlikely. Nothing would surprise me though...
  2. Yes but it is a shuttle coaster with 1 loop, Corkscrew has 2 actual loops in a full circuit. so its still corkscrews record.
  3. I have had interest in this so you can still vote for the above for another week or so for the trip. From my mind attractions that I know are: Oakwood Folly Farm Heatherton Go Ape (margam Park) Barry Island Then in cardiff there is the general stuff like Cardiff Castle Millenium Stadium Millenium Centre to name a few places.
  4. Best official meet yet got on Inferno 6 times before an awesome tour, met some awesome people, stretchy and King Nemesis to name a few, I had most on quantum or as I now call it pregnancy abortion: the ride I almost fell out of Rumba lol and I got some good photos, I'd just like to say thanks for peaj for organising and if I am correct thanks to Sidders for nagging Marc to do the birthday meet. it was FANTASTIC!!
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Foh1dL8othM Everything about this ride screams pain.
  6. I have to say if thorpe doesn't get a woodie and then alton doesn't get a woodie either I would be very dissapointed (but that is just me)
  7. I hope they are seriously considering it, its what it looks like.
  8. PLEASE give us our first woodie since Megafobia which opened in 1996, I need another woodie to be proud of!
  9. originally it was 7 now its 8, ooooh I so want to try this thing
  10. the island next to swarm all the last at the back of the park like canada creek area and stuff it could also be partially be built over water if needs must like some rides.
  11. I wish things didn't need to have a gimmick to be popular, but they do and if there is a woodie it most certainly will unfortunately.
  12. But then wodan doesn't doesnt have a gimmick that Merlin can push forward to the general public, and it doesnt have to be an intamin to be a tall woodie. and before anyone says, yes I know it doesn't need a gimmick but GP only seems to get interested when a roller coaster has a gimmick.
  13. from Flamingopics.co.uk. here is the dreaded spiral push lift Benin...
  14. Oh yes worlds tallest, fastest, steepest woodie, god if that happened I think enthusiasts would have a coastergasm
  15. well 164ft is their height limit so we could have a very fast woodie on our hands if we do get one
  16. El Toro So they post a photo and a video of the same ride hmmmm.....
  17. In other words Marc you don't really care where you go
  18. I hope there aren't too many schools on thursday, otherwise I might fast track, grr where is *name removed* when you need him
  19. EC!


    Thats a bummer, I was hoping to go on it thursday at the ERT but atleast they have my Detonator
  20. I wouldn't mind having an inverting woodie, they do look fun, unless they decided to go for the woodie height record, which currently stands at 196ft by Colossos at Heide Park, I could only see them putting inversions in to get it "Gimmicky" enough for the GP, if they did go down the woodie option. EDIT: An inversion like this as it looks fun
  21. But then Thorpe doesn't have sheep to graze the ride area to make sure nothing gets over grown
  22. Just hit 600 posts and Boom goes the dynamite.

  23. I didn't think people were going to answer lol
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