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Everything posted by EC!

  1. EC!


    I haven't ridden it yet with the smoke, I hope it add to my experience, because the fact the block brakes don't stop you anymore makes it better also. I hope it stays a few years more cos it is alot better now.
  2. Thats how I determine the inversion count, if that what the RCDB says its exactly that.
  3. EC!

    This Or That

    PS4 Gran Turismo or Forza?
  4. I want a pizza hut, that would be my favourite.
  5. No offence, shouldn't we be talking about this on the "Next Big Thing-2015/2016 coaster" topic. This topic is for something completely different.
  6. Almost every GCI for example.
  7. EC!

    The Smiler

    I miss the Smiler
  8. EC!

    This Or That

    Tattoo Perm or Quiff?
  9. EC!


    You got to commend Aloe Blacc he was perfect for this song
  10. I will go with Marc to Mcdonalds *jokes*
  11. Shame I like Mcdonalds but then I'm simple like that
  12. Some Hero Construction Updates from Flamingopics.co.uk
  13. Mcdonalds is Mcdonalds I will probably finish it within 3 minutes lol
  14. GCI please (like Benin) with the vanishing under water drop!
  15. Seems interesting, Merlin have never mentioned anything ever about woodies and with them showing us the dive coaster vanish last month I hope they are giving us clues to something good!
  16. EC!

    The Smiler

    I would like to say that at some point in the day it will become quiet, but it won't that queue has never gone under the 60 minute , if you can access the ride times website on your phone, if it says anything between 80-100 minutes I would run to the ride because with queues like that its certainly not going to be a re ride unless dont mind splitting up with your group and go in single rider, it only took me and Luke_A 50mins tops to get on, we were separated but we got on, however sometimes single rider can be the same or longer then the actual main queue so if you opt for single rider, get there as soon as the ride is about to open. Hope this helps
  17. EC!


    I love that !
  18. EC!

    This Or That

    Chrisps Pringles or Skips?
  19. EC!


    You've just killed Slammer now...
  20. EC!


    But no thorpe park ride has been broken for at least 3 weeks like enterprise or about 2 in oblivion's case.
  21. I think you will find me and jack will just go on it for the ride count, we don't care if we feel sick
  22. so the day is full but how will the train thing work, will it be 28 on one train and 2 on the other or more like 15 and 15?
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