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Everything posted by EC!

  1. EC!

    The Smiler

    Here is a 5 minute clip with with The Marmaliser and the music testing and it seems the music sort of loops every 4 minutes, its gonna get annoying https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=564610193570163
  2. I really want to go to Europa Park, it looks awesome and it looks like you had a really good time.
  3. EC!

    The Smiler

    Just noticed the entrance on the left is for Fastttrack, Single Rides and disabled people. Does that mean that they will all be in the same queue or is the single riders just a temporary thing until the fasttrack system starts on the Smiler?
  4. EC!

    The Smiler

    https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=564480736916442 special effects lights on the entrance I love the fact there are 14 cameras one for each inversion!
  5. EC!

    The Smiler

    I highly doubt it!
  6. EC!

    The Smiler

    Here is a video of the smiler with it's music blasting out https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=564468466917669&set=vb.168150643216122&type=2&theater Thanks to The Alton Towers Guide. and this one as well. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=564470536917462
  7. EC!

    The Smiler

    Unless they want guests to have 100 small lacerations on their hands and arms then it will be the seat, it would be slightly stupid on alton's part if they allowed that. It will be built in the seat or the will be leg ticklers for sure, cos there is no other way for it to tickle you.
  8. EC!

    The Smiler

    Well, according to that designer it WILL tickle you, yay I thought It was gonna be visual like a lot of people said, I just hope it's a tickle and not a prod though that would ruin it for me
  9. EC!

    The Smiler

    Well the maintinence shed looks like a massive shipping container, so they might of already have
  10. EC!

    The Smiler

    I was joking about the lift hill I know it probably won't happen, but then this is Merlin, with the Swarm people were saying it wasnt possible and it would be a throughput nightmare (which it sort of is) but they still did it, like I said it most likely wont happen, but again like I said this is Merlin.
  11. EC!


    God I can't wait to get a job!!
  12. EC!


    Good for you sarah, hopefully The jobs will help you in the future and I hope you have fun
  13. EC!

    The Smiler

    More photos from The Alton Towers Guide Lodda lodda new foliage!! here is the video from capital fm
  14. EC!

    The Smiler

    I think if there was another worlds first it would be the self duelling one, it seems the most plausible, although I'm still touching wood on the backwards drop vertical lift hill although that looks unlikely, a well I can dream Plus here is some testing photos from The Alton Towers Guide
  15. EC!

    The Smiler

    Stafford towers Altonshire OMG I'm crying
  16. EC!

    The Smiler

    It can't there is none although it bugged me that it was a mirror image.
  17. EC!

    The Smiler

    More Landscaping:D!!!! Spot The Smiler Face!!! Wardley!!
  19. EC!

    The Smiler

    Landscaping Supposidly according to The Alton Towers Guide John Wardley was on ride!! https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=563311710366678 https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=563312830366566 https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=563312243699958 Supposidly he is on the back seat!
  20. I have always wondered why they built an evil Transilvania area around bubbleworks, it just seems really out of place now and yes PLEASE bring back Professor Burp!
  21. EC!

    The Smiler

    the only element I'm sort of pleased with is The hypnotiser, as Tickler and The Giggler look a bit naff, The giggler wasn't even blowing in the right direction cos of wind, which I going to look a tad stupid. Anyways the ride, like many including Benin have said it is using the test hard wheel, instead of the normal ones so, I can guarantee it will be a lot faster, I mean look at Gatekeeper, that looked slow in testing but when it opened it was a heck of a lot faster just wait TPM'rs by the time it opens it will be speedy!
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