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Everything posted by EC!

  1. I love bees but I can't stand wasps, I just think they are horrid and spiders..... Don't me started. Also I have a fear of Ferris wheels, (not the actual wheel going on one) don't know why I just can't bear them.
  2. EC!

    The Smiler

    Just seen a video of it self duelling, ermahgerd! It's looks awesome. It's on The Alton Towers Guide Facebook page!
  3. EC!

    The Smiler

    Towers times says that they will announce the opening date, although I'm not 100% sure There we go back to normal.
  4. EC!

    The Smiler

    I remember that, what made me laugh then was on most of the comments sections on the online newspapers, people were like WHO?? Oh god that cracked me up!
  5. When I went to Thorpe on Saturday I was pleasantly surprised because for once, for most part of the day, every single ride was open that day! Extra brownie points to Thorpe form EC!
  6. Well These are the exams that I have finished: 1.English lang reading 2.English lang writing 3.Art & Design (10HR BLOODY EXAM THAT WAS!!!) 4.R.E 5.French Reading 6.French Listening 7.Biology 8.Chemistry 9.German Reading 10.German Listening 11.Physics 12.English Lit and I have five more to go YAY!!
  7. SInce my little trip at Thorpe went so well I have decided to create another trip but this will happen some time in late august as it will involve at least 1 overnight stay but will mean, you get to come to Oakwood and see its new Themed area Neverland and also have a day out in Cardiff. Obviously this is a overnight trip so I wouldn't advise anyone under 15 to go. but this will be a great trip, we might even be able to visit the world famous Barry Island Beach and amusement park. Obviously it will be a tad more expensive then other day meets, and it does need planning so that's why I'm creating this now The confirmed dates are: August 31-september 1 plus it will be a 2 day 1 night thing if you want to do cardiff as well Confirmed: EC! Peaj (and I'm guessing Sarah is going ) Phill Pritchard Jaymiee Topsyturvy15 Maybe: Liam_T J.S217 Matt Creek darkadder312 Marc (from conversation with Liam ) Ricky Michelle Ryan Styles Probably not but will still try: scarycoasterboy
  8. EC!

    The Smiler

    Well, you said on Facebook, Tornado at Bakken was your new worst ride you have ever been on anyhoo On my mini meet yesterday, we had the very odd experience on Saw of the left hand side of the train being silky smooth and the right side of the train, being the most jolted headbanging and most painful experience you could wish to experience, it was very odd... Hopefully Smiler, doesn't inflict the same pain on us rightsiders
  9. God struff, that jolt has gotten worse
  10. Yes today was awesome, I thank you all who wait for making this special for me, and I got on the parks rollercoasters 10 times so I was a happy bunny
  11. EC!


    Oakwood have officially announced their partnership with the Great Ormond Street Hospital, and part of the £21 entry ticket price will go to them, and the park will be used for GOSH day trips, it seems a themepark has a heart for once and it's not all for profit, which makes me feels warm inside.
  12. 9 people, coming ooooh this is going well already for a mini meet
  13. Haha lol I'm sure we will page in return we want tonnes of pic of you in DLP!
  14. Coolio, u gotta let me know soon cos it does happen on Saturday .
  15. EC!

    The Smiler

    I wouldnt be surprised
  16. Don't they know Hydro (drenched) is taller?? It's not even tallest in the UK let alone the world, what stupid stupid claims!
  17. So I decided I wanted to go to Thorpe Park on the 25th May because of exams I wanted some stress relief. I wanted to invite some TPM guys along and currently the people who are going are: EC! (Me of course ) Flipper (and his friend Rich(I'm not sure if he is a member)0 Han30 Jackstevens217 JamesC Mr.Fish Matt Creek Mer Phill Pritchard (until 14:00 cos he's going to a party at 15:00) Thrillseekeralex (unless he gets smashed the night before ) Scarycoasterboy Styles ( Yay his (well sort of) first meet) Maybe: MarkC It's gonna be the whole day 10:00 till 18:00 and I have a nice little but hard competition Lined up with a pressure for the winner and a forfeit for the first one out. If anybody else wants to go PM me (EC!) I know it's short notice but hay ho. I will be a great day and it will be where members do trip reports of ourselfs looking like idiots I need to get my first MAP when I arrive so I might be a tad late It's looking sunny so it will be fun
  18. EC!

    The Smiler

    well it self duels on the commercial, hopefully wit will in real life, and well the disorientator, is definitely the zero g roll but with mad and pretty lights, ooh I'm excited plus below the main tv screen on the Marmaliser, has more small screens like mirrors, I hope they make an apperance cos they looked cool.
  19. Mr fish readying him self to get dem ladies
  20. EC!

    The Smiler

    Probably a bit of both
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