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Everything posted by EC!

  1. The way The Smiler is being built at the mo, it probably will b a once in a life time opportunity
  2. I DONT HOG, I'm just in a lot of photos that's all.....
  3. Iron rattler looks ok but it's just to mundain after the zero g roll, it looses a lot of energy, unlike Outlaw Run which is relentless throughout.
  4. who won the empire game, I'll give you a clue, it definately wasnt me lol
  5. Okey dokey, I was curious thanks 4 telling
  6. hope u hav a good time
  7. thanks marc 4 that, just wanted to know, now I do, I shall look in the future
  8. Oakwood is another must 4 me this year, haven't been in 2 years and I need to have some fun in my local park, well as local as a 1hr 30 min drive can get.
  9. lots of work to do but I'm sure it will look really good when finished is if it was brand new.
  10. EC!


    the lyrics arent anythin special but I like the tune quite catchy
  11. how do people become moderators, admin, and anything high up like that, cos I see people be moderatos then they r not not and then some new guy is , how does that system work? soz its just a curious question thats been bugging me abit lol
  12. EC!

    2013 Changes

    LOL abit stupid them doing that isnt it haha
  13. I thought samural always played its music one of the best sound tracks in the park.
  14. behave itself whats the matter?
  15. EC!


    log flume opens next month yay, need photo updates now to show u guys
  16. I really wanna go the line ups look amazing!!
  17. Dont be rude, racist, sexist, homophobic, facist, or swear in anyway shape or form, quite a few people have been banned in the past for doing this.
  18. I will prvate message u now, they are where the envelope is at the top
  19. Ur not the only one who hates soap operas
  20. iv'e never been but I have always wanted to maybe next year
  21. as of current the only thing I would say is for thorpe to start using mist out the top of the volcano again, the volcano itself looks fine in my personal opinion, maybe maybe just paint it alittle darker thats all.
  22. yes u will have a good time on here like smidget said we are all friendly, odd but friendly this place u can start topics or post on them about anythingand its good for once to see a new member actually posting instead of making an account and never going back on it again. hopefully u can attend some of the meets, if u look at the chessington tpm meet topic I'm the one licking a biscuit with chocolate on ma tongue. hope u feel at home he like when I first joined last year
  23. looks like I'm choaking on that biscuit there haha
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