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Everything posted by EC!

  1. EC!


    I'd love a Huss Delirium but I think that would be too big for any part of the park I'd prefer to see Samurai stay on maybe theme it to go with Canada Creek or Saw Island.
  2. EC!


    I know this ride is hated lol but might as well start a topic to vent your hatred or love for the ride. Plus for the first time in a few year both arms were working together in sync for an hour until one broke down midday according to Towers Street.
  3. EC!


    I have no clue, they just said attraction number 9 on facebook.
  4. EC!


    The Ground Breaking of attraction number NINE more then I was expecting
  5. EC!

    Doctor Who

    I want Russell T. Davies back!! He was so much better then Steven Moffat!
  6. well that's morbid.....
  7. EC!

    The Smiler

    I'm not hating. I thought this argument had ended.
  8. EC!


    From the Annual pass VIP tour and do I see a newly repaint green Plane Crazy in the background of the last pic??
  9. EC!


    that part will be a dark ride so no lights apart from some fire torches ;D
  10. Unfortunately it is only a temporary move, but I'm sure it will draw publicity to the park here is the video by the way.
  11. EC!


  12. EC!


    THE RIVER OF RED RETURNS!! thanks to alton towers guide on facebook
  13. EC!

    The Smiler

    what holly said I feel is correct as everybody has opinions if u have a problems with what is the point in making a fuss. And back on topic I am looking forward to the smiler this year funnily enough, I think it will be a good addition to alton and I think the inoculator thing will be immense.
  14. EC!

    The Smiler

    thank you, what I said was my opinion, some of you guys dont have to strip me limb from limb cos you dont agree, hate my opinion all you want but holly is true.
  15. EC!

    The Smiler

    I don't know pluk why it has to be anything, it would be nice if it was.
  16. EC!

    The Smiler

    But what is the Disorientator then. I cant be the indoor heartline cos then you could say every single loop would be apart of the disorientator, so its got to be something more.
  17. EC!

    The Smiler

    Supposidly Eejanaika has the world record with 14 inversions even though its the seats doing that, so with the Guinness book of records concerned its only a joint record, and before you guys say I know Smiler has 14 physical inversions but that is what the Guinness book has said, unless Alton specifically say its the first coaster with 14 physical inversions.
  18. EC!

    The Smiler

    I said its slightly naff cos it was slightly predictable, I thought it was meant to be something you'd never guess it would be like Thirteen that's all I'm not trying to slag the Smiler off at all its just one that's not that imaginative in my own opinion, sure its a legit one I'd just rather say it is world beating cos its beating Colossus in an inversion count. AND WHY DOES THE WORLDS FIRST HAVE TO BE REVEALED ON A CEREAL BOX WEEKS BEFORE IT'S MEANT TO OPEN!!! I thought it was meant to be secret until the day it opens.
  19. EC!

    The Smiler

    Well thats a pretty naff worlds first, but the true identity of The Disorientator has yet to be revealed, and anyway its only beating Colossus, sure its the first coaster to have 14 inversions but it shouldnt be marketed as wolds first cos in a couple of years there with be a 15 inversion or 20 inversion coaster, then the "world first" will definately look naff!
  20. EC!

    Diet & Exercise

    well I say this u might eating moderately to keep it off but the fact ur not exercising enough means u will b skinny, trust me sometimes skinny can be as hated as being fat. Just exercise a tad more u r doing now, trust me u will feel happier with the added exercise as well And pluk I never said about running or extreme cardio or anything like that but just a nice jog in the park, maybe a few weights but not over exerting one trust me its just balancing your diet with exercise, and if one out weighs the other people have had serious repercussions I mean are you guys eating the five fruits and veg a day and eating enough calcium to maintain bone strength and enough protein for healthy growth?
  21. EC!

    Diet & Exercise

    Yes what Sarah Said is very true so to keep those muscles like I said u gotta excersise an hour a day preferably.
  22. EC!

    Diet & Exercise

    Are you exercising properly because my uncle did that diet but he didn't excersize and after he finished the weight literally flooded back on. Peaj you have got to make sure you exercise during and after for preferable an hour a day otherwise with the diet you have done the fat will come back to bite on the bum LITERALLY!! EDIT by Tommy. Reason: Spelling spelling spelling
  23. EC!


    I'm addicted to CELEB JUICE plz I need rehab!!!!!!!1
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