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Everything posted by MarkC

  1. Thorpe Park's were cheaper
  2. T G Cruse done the swarm too.
  3. Hey Guys! A new Theme Park forum has been created by Thorpe Park Central with a wide range of topics and a great community. It is currently in beta testing! Sign up today and create a topic, start a discussion! http://thorpeparkcentralforum.com The site and forum are still new and any feedback would be great!
  4. Just a quick question, what are the current deals and prices of the photopases at Thorpe Park?
  5. Fingers crossed for tomorrow
  6. Still not open? What's going on stealth
  7. The ride is delayed... Yes it may be annoying but what can we honestly do about it? Even if they hadn't released a date, the ride would not have opened any sooner.
  8. Wouldn't have been leaked if it wasn't delayed
  9. MarkC

    This Or That

    California Summer or winter
  10. Can someone please explain why you don't get the splash on your first descent down?
  11. Unless they're using the IAC actors for the ghost train?
  12. Well only 10 days now till the grand opening! Must admit I did expect marketing to be at full swing now...
  13. Very funny chessington. We know we shall be ignored. A* for effort in caring.
  14. MarkC


    Broken in 2 places, operation tomorrow
  15. Maybe a bit more than a gas leak... http://www.yourlocalguardian.co.uk/news/14413762._Suspicious_car__is_cordoned_off_by_police_at_Chessington_World_of_Adventures/
  16. Everyone's done it... I don't know what the fuss is about
  17. So correct me if I am wrong... If they are able to queue in the main queue why are they in need of the band in the first place unless they are trying to abuse the system?
  18. Can you please elaborate what disability would unable you to queue for some rides however you're fine to wait an hour in the saw queue line waving around your little yellow band?
  19. If I get a runny nose does that mean I qualify for a disabled pass nowadays?
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