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Project LC

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Posts posted by Project LC

  1. Well as they now have staggered openings start at the forbidden valley with nemesis and air. Then go by what's near by. Leave the smiler until 4:45 or if you are lucky it may have a short queue around lunch. If you join the queue before closing then they will let you ride.

    Use the 2nd day to ride the rides you missed on the 1st. Most likely sonic spinball.

    Rita and the smiler will be the long queues so be prepared. However they will be nothing compared to what Thorpe gets.

  2. Top thrill dragster has 5 trains to get ready and they manage it every day. Lack of staff should never be a problem. Simply not excusable.

    It's time they get rid of slammer and samurai replace them with something worthwhile. That would take some weight off of their shoulders.

  3. Numbers over 2012 fell from the previous year. Business wise it was labelled as a failure. Now I don't think the ride was to blame but Merlin do. The swarm is by no means perfect, it's way too short for me personally.

    Merlin won't get another wing rider as they have already got them. They don't need to offer the same experience a few miles down the road.

    As for out of touch I would agree. The amount of negativity they are picking up on fan sites is crazy. Visitor numbers may be increasing but I feel that is more to do with the economic recovery and the more people in work than wise investment.

  4. For what thorpe park is all the throughputs are too low. The only ride that has what I would consider a decent throughput is The Swarm. The others are just way too low. They need rides in the 1500pph where as their highest is 1200pph. Saw and storm surge are just a joke. They knew they had problems with queues when they installed those so its just madness that they chose them. Ill just hope WC16 is a 1700pph + thing. That should help, however I suspect that it wont even be close to that. 

  5. China doesn't really have the concept of copyright. Anyway mack sold the ride layout so not really seeing the problem. Yeah it isn't original but I doubt many people in china will have been on the real blue fire and I doubt many people who have been on the real one will go on this one. 

  6. I don't mean to give the impression I know everything, especially about chessington. I very rarely comment in the entire chessington section as the park just doesn't interest me as they have done almost nothing in 12 years. However basic park operations are the same everywhere and no bags in the station always speeds up loading. I research a lot and I have a photographic memory so generally I don't forget things. Ill admit I do come across as condescending but that is more my personality.

  7. At a park which is aimed at families with younger children it is very hard to achieve the maximum throughput. The lack of a baggage room as well causes delays. Also from what I remember its not a very well designed station. Yes 3 trains is good if they can get it work and it should be possible as they did it in the past. I see no reason why it cant run a max and dont really understand why the lifts need slowing but then again I know nothing about the workings of vampire.

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