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Project LC

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Posts posted by Project LC

  1. May half term is a funny one to predict. With a varying time of peoples exams ect. and of course the weather. I think you will be looking at anywhere from 30-60 minute queues for the coasters. 20-45 for the flat rides. If its sunny then expect higher numbers, if its rainy you should be looking at a medium ish day. If anyone is wanting a day with no one there the last Sunday of may half term is normally very quiet. The last 3 years its been 10-25 minute queues because of exams and people going back to school the next day. 

  2. Backdoor privatisation? It's introducing the free market mechanism to the NHS to drive down prices. Something Labour introduced. It makes far more economic sense to introduce competition as it means companies compete to get the lowest price with the best service.

    The reason the rich seem to make the biggest savings is because they were spending the most. 1% for them is a significant amount more than someone on 16k. You don't go and attack them saying they are evil and putting taxes so high on them or they will try tax avoidance or even just move country. I know it's a hard concept to master but sometimes less is more (Willing to explain that in depth of you wish).

    The conservatives went on about the SNP so much because they were going to hold the balance of power. Scotland is over represented with 59 seats, it should be 36, and they are even more left wing than the Labour party. They lie to all of Scotland blaming Westminster when it is them, they wanted independence from the country they were about to rule and were going to hold England and Wales to ransom to get their own way. They wee without doubt the biggest threat to democracy in the UK.

    Also 50% of the population wanted ukip and the conservatives. Saying the population was blinded to think rationally is quite frankly insulting. Just because someone has a different opinion doesn't mean they are wrong.

  3. Another myth perpetrated by the Mail, people do not 'serve 3 years of a 10 year sentence', they serve the full 10 years, a certain percentage spent in custody, and the remainder on license, it's been like that since 1948.

    Putting a washed up journalist in charge of the Justice Dept won't change that.

    I was actually talking about my next door neighbour who serverd 3 years of a 10 year sentance for drug dealing and upon release has started dealing again.

    You say he has no influence and yet complain he destroyed the education system. Seems a bit of an illogical statement to me.

    Also all these left wing scare stories are completley ridiculous. You all seem to make stupid claims with no evidence or justification and then you all seem to believe and follow them as if they are fact. The NHS is not becoming a paid system its working as it always has done but now the nhs uses external companies within its operations. The death penalty is not being bought back. Benefits are not being completely removed, the conservatives dont deliberately target the weak to make CEO's richer. Afterall if they did they would get no votes what so ever. First past the post has worked as it always has done, just like the last labour government with 35% of the vote and 356 seats (I dont remember any riots then). The left wing lost the election. Stop moaning and scaremongering and point blank lying and wait a few years for the conservatives to have actually done stuff. In 5 years time if what I have said is false is all true then correct me then but until that day I dont value any argument which states otherwise.

  4. He really shouldn't have been in charge of education, far too 1920's approach. However I feel that out of all the jobs he could have that justice Secretary would suit him well. How someone can get a 10 year jail sentence and only serve 3 years should raise serious questions about the whole system. At least with Gove we know they will serve the full 10 years.

  5. I'll be brutally honest, I don't believe people who claim benefits whilst unemployed should get free money for nothing. I've been raised to work and not to spend money I don't have. If it comes to a point when you are unemployed then you should be able to get money from the state but not for nothing. There is many jobs that need doing so introducing a community service type system should be the way forward. It doesn't have to be a load of hours (in fact if it were introduced it should be limited to max. The unemployed need the chance to find new work ect. but at the same time they shouldn't just be given free money.

    I know a lot of people will disagree but that is my honest opinion. Personally I think benefits should come in the form of food vouchers with some money for basics like clothing ect.

  6. The problems with the skyswat are near impossible to fix. There is no way to fix the strain on the beam without using materials used for aircraft wings. Which would push the cost way up. Samurai is the one that needs to leave first.

  7. I have a friend, she's 18, and both her parents are disabled and currently unable to work. They deserve benefits, and for you to say people like that don't is disgusting. I know you're an idiot and you're only making these comments here for a reaction/attention, but for a real look at life on both sides you have to experience it.

    Disable benefits is perfectly fine unemployment benefit I completely disagree with. I'm not saying this for attention either, thank you very much. It is my honest opinion. Being called an idiot is rich as well, you have no idea of my background or education and just because I have an opposing view doesn't give you a right to go around insulting people.

  8. Vouchers is by far the way forward.

    As for going back to the polls in September it is highly unlikely to happen. The coalition set out that the next election will be in may 2020. There is only 2 eventualities where an election can take place before then. (Cant remember them exactly so I suggest looking it up if you are interested)

  9. Under Labour's system of benefits it was and still is possible to earn more than that of what a teacher can earn.

    People which claim child benefits for more than 2 children is also completely unacceptable. If people want children that's fine, they can have as many as they like. However it should be down to them to pay for them rather than having the tax payer pay for them.

    The whole benefit system is broken. The fact someone from the EU could claim full child benefit for children not even in the UK from day one of getting here is ridiculous. Labour showed no sign of change and I'm sure a Labour government will see these sorts of stupid things back in. Government should be scalled back and it's powers reduced.

  10. The observation tower is a space saver. It could be any size. Like a 138m tall observation tower on a pebble beach or it could potentially be a drop tower by river in London. All we really know is it's a ride on top of a square building in a place that doesn't have a vertical lift coaster already.

  11. Is it right local authorities are no longer allowed to setup/build/start new schools and all new ones must be academy or free schools?

    That is not true. Setting up new schools is still possible.

    As a warning our green council took out a £36m loan for a 138m tall observation tower, stopped subsadising the buses, scrapped our park and ride, raised parking fees to put people off from going into town, raised council tax for businesses so now only cloths shops survive, introduced 20mph speed limit everywhere despite lots of evidence to say its made things worse, cut pay for bin men and other essentials to pay for more social workers, illegally built hockey pitchs, ignored 2 votes of no confidence, raised council tax for residents 2% every year despite being told to freeze them (the only reason they didnt raise it more is becuase otherwise there would have been a local referendum) and has failed to set a budget every year. There is atleast 10 other points I could make in detail about how bad they have been. Also at work 20 of us were asked to name one good policy the green council has introduced of which the entire room could not come up with a single reason.

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