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Project LC

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Posts posted by Project LC

  1. Am I right in thinking that the new coaster are started planning like 5 or 6 years in advance? If so then couldn't that mean that being 1 or 2 years away from construction, which I assume would be late in the planning phase, that Thorpe would have already chosen the manufactures? Wouldn't this then mean that even though Mack have built some good coasters recently that its kinda too late for Thorpe to change it? Just wondering, I'm probably completely wrong ! :P

    Coasters are planned in advanced by a few years. It is likely that a manufacture has been chosen but depending on how far they are with the manufacture it could change. If it was 2 years to then I would imagine the manufacture is locked in however if the ride is delayed until 2017 there is still room to change manufacture but it would be too late to change the entire ride.

  2. When I said it was operating in manual mode I assumed it was obvious that the launch wasn't manual.

    As for the cold how come stealth was operating last march because it was definitely running with 2 trains with normal intervals. Was something else the cause for that like a ride team were taking a few risks?

    The heat thing I was unaware of but raises questions in who designed a thing that a British summer can stop its operation. TTD can operate in far hotter conditions, oh well typical British roller coaster being inferior to its american counter parts.

  3. Stealth operates fine in the cold, I've been there at -2 degrees in the snow and it was working fine (admittedly nothing else was). The heat it can struggle with as the hydraulic fluid is less dense but it very rarely gets that hot. Kingda ka and TTD will operate in temperatures way above 23 degrees. Most likely the problem with slow loading was new staff which are being trained for summer and therefore may have been running on manual mode. The problem with stealth last year around June was that one of the injectors on one of the cylinders was faulty so the ride couldn't recharge in time.

  4. TowersTimes thought that a roller coaster could have a washing machine element hidden inside it - they're not the most reliable, believable, intelligent, or pretty much any of the above of fan sites - especially when it comes to Thorpe. #Burn

    I now refer back to Ricky's post. "Don't get you're hopes up".

    I am aware there not the most reliable source, hence why I said I got it from there.

  5. I don't see the life of slammer being to long and I would say a maximum of 5 years. By 2025 all of the coaster space will be gone so large rides will start leaving around then. Vortex needs some work as that is coming to the end of its life. But I doubt we will say many rides leave before 2018.

  6. The thing I hate about it is that it wasn't down for technical/operational reasons. It was down for marketing purposes, rather than the point of marketing.. to make people enjoy their day, have no worries or irritations and then come back again.

    I hate the whole full price paid bollocks in any argument, it literally makes any argument or reasoning you have seem stupid and the people who listen to complaints/act on these then ignore you. Everyone should be treated the same in this aspect, whether you're an annual pass holder or a day guest paying whatever rate to enter. Don't act like the higher paying deserve better or try and use it to fulfil an argument cos it doesn't work.

    I think that you may have misunderstood my argument. What I'm trying to say is that everyone should be treated the same. Some people would have got in for free and others paying full price but none the less the ride is still closed because of some want to be celebrities want to record on it. As a consequence of this some people will be going away with a less of an experience to what a ticket for the same price on another day would hold. Yes you can say that there is many other rides on offer but if you were going and looking forward to stealth then you have been denied access to it because of some stupid TV show.

  7. Even if it is in the terms and conditions closing it for a tv show shouldn't be done. They can film before the park opens or after it closes. Some people in that park would have paid full price and be their only visit of the year. I have an annual pass but I still have to spend an hour and a half getting there and if I were to find stealth closed I would be very annoyed if the reason was some wanna be celebrities. I don't mind if its closed because of a fault but for some tv show is not morally right at all when there effectively mugging people to get in and forcing people to buy fast tracks because they sell close to 4 million a day.

  8. We haven't seen any plans yet. That island is probably the location for any next big development. We just have to wait and see.

    It is highly likely it will be the site for the next coaster. At a school thing there they did show us some plans for that island but they were old for a concept of the swarm. I have a feeling that's what toofpikk is on about.

  9. But how does it know which arm matches the corresponding floor place?

    I do believe that, that is taken care of in the programming so that the spinning motor aligns the arms in the correct place. The sensors are to tell the gap between the floor.

  10. How does this ride park itself? Whenever I've been I've fried looking for sensors and I just can't see them? Is it manually done or is it not?

    There is some sensors on the hub of the arms which detect how close to the ground they are.

  11. What would be the reason for the power imbalance? And also has anyone ever noticed smoke coming out of the holes where the metal cable goes in/out of the main frame? Its only happened a couple of times so its not constant but I have seen it occasionally

    Many things could cause the power imbalance. Likely cause is that the pressure tank isn't reaching the correct pressure. The smoke would be a pressure release as the pressure tanks will contain cold air. As that isn't needed to be done regularly it would happen on rare occasion.

  12. The power imbalance can't be good, does Rush not E-stop if the the swings get too out of sync?

    If they get too out of sync the ride stops and one of the arms goes out of action, seems to be the general procedure.

  13. What was wrong with rush yesterday

    Swing B never exceeded 90 degrees and felt very down on power while swing A seemed to operate with out problem. I went on swing B 3 times yesterday and my total airtime was none as it never had enough power or reached the correct height. Unfortunately we never got on Swing A but from the ground you could definitely see that it was reaching a higher height.

  14. Did anyone who went yesterday catch the name of the staff on rush? Or a brief description? I'm talking to THORPE about it and they said they'll talk to the teams about it if they know what staff were there

    I know that the person in console teaching a new ride op was called Steve.

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