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Everything posted by RubyRed95

  1. Went to Thorpe yesterday and Vortex was running really well! Seemingly long cycles with super high swings =O Best I've ever seen it in years =)
  2. RubyRed95


    Obviously can't forget all those =D but as I said before, I just feel that they are in need of just one more thrilling flat ride, something specifically for the thrill seekers that would be riding the major coasters. It really does depend on the person with this: yes, flat rides are obviously not as popular as coasters but having a good number of them still helps with queue time when added together. I personally think they really add to the experience of a theme park, I don't just go for the coasters, in fact, Detonator is one of the things at Thorpe I look forward to most... I get that that's a little crazy, but there must be others like me out there =P
  3. RubyRed95


    I disliked Submission A LOT, but IMO this just makes Alton's flat ride line up incredibly low. Yes, their coasters are world class, but you need something else to help ease the queues and vary your experiences at the park. I mean, Thorpe Park have Rush, Vortex, Samurai, Slammer, Quantum, Zodiac and Detonator, which is more than double Alton's current line up of Blade, Ripsaw and Enterprise. The queues for some of Alton's coasters- especially Rita and The Smiler- can get insane, I feel like more thrilling flat rides would detract from this. I know they're a family park and all and have an amazing family offering, but still :/ Maybe removing Submission was a bad move :/
  4. Spoiler filled review of my visit to Fright Night today : Queues not really too bad on the whole, especially for rides. We managed to get on Saw, Vortex, Quantum and X before lunch, and then Nemesis Inferno, Stealth, Swarm, Rumba Rapids, Detonator, and, of course, the tea cups (which by the way seemed to be blaring really out of place Heavy Metal music but it just made the ride funnier in my opinion) also managing to fit in re-rides. This was all well and good, but the actual Fright Nights bit was slightly underwhelming in places. Firstly: YOU'RE NEXT were nowhere to be seen all day! Clearly they were avoiding us xD in seriousness though, in future, Thorpe should really attempt to either get more roaming actors of confine them to a specific area of the park so people stand a chance of seeing them. So, onto the mazes: *spoilers* The Asylum: not gonna lie, I had big expectations for this one and was a bit let down. It was our first maze and the tension was hugh but it was only 'okay'. This is the first and only time I've been in it, so maybe I had a bit if a bad run, but I felt like there weren't nearly enough actors and that it was too disorientating to really be scary at all. I was leading and the strobes did little more than cause me to crash into a few walls and people and eventually it seemed like the floor and walls were moving which distracted me from what was going on xD the sirens were way too quiet and it seemed that it was timed pretty badly since we managed to bump into the group in front halfway through the maze resulting ina queue in which no actors attempted to scare us at all. This also destroyed the chainsaw ending. That said, there were a few actors that really stood out and I feel it would have been so much better had the group in front not shown up. The one good effect that the strobes creates was the actors gradually getting closer, but this isn't the type of thing that really scares me. This maze was also lacking in smoke rather a lot, you could see so much and it was a but bright in honesty. After this negative review people are probably going to disagree, but this was one run through and if id had a chance I would have done it again in the hopes of experiencing what everyone else has in there xD Unfortunately though: 5/10 My Bloody Valentine: not gonna lie: I loved this one. Yes, it was a bit short and yes it needed a better ending but I found it to be rather good on the whole and it genuinely frightened me. I liked how the actor at the beginning stopped to explain a bit of the story, and then we were chased out by Harry Warden. The whole thing was excellently themed with plenty of actors throughout. The corridors were very narrow and since I'm claustrophobic this made me quite panicked. Our group was split down the middle and I didn't get to go down the tunnel but instead had to crouch down and push through some very squishy material, near which an actor was conveniently hiding. The little garden bit at the end was also very well themed, but needed a better ending in all honesty. Harry Warden just stood there banging his axe against the ground and I just casually strolled out. If this were longer and had an ending to send everyone running for the exit it would have easily been my favourite, however it didn't quite make it. 7/10 Cabin in the Woods: quite simply the best one! We did this twice so I'll split this review in two, but my only real complaints about this maze are that you are ushered through the doors rather than truly getting to chose and some of the staff running the maze towards the end of the night were SO rude. I get that they were probably stressed but they didn't have to act like they were so irritated with us for doing nothing wrong. I felt like we were a but if an inconvenience to them, though none of the actors ever broke character so props to them for that 1st time: this was around 7pm so it was quite busy, yet we somehow didn't manage to meet another group until the final corridor. We first went into the room themed as a forest and it was truly a brilliant room, though the scariest one for me was the one with All the white masks on the walls. We went through a rotating tunnel with a load of actors at the end and one of my friends got separated and chased off by about 3 actors. Didn't find the control room either time but I'm pretty sure I figured out where it was, the door was very locked xD this time round was pretty short, but still very good nevertheless. The themeing was amazing, the actors were really lively and top notch, I especially loved the clowns 2nd time: started this one in a pretty bad mood due to the rude attendants but soon got over it. This time round was much much scarier with more actors and we took a longer route, going first into the door in the far right. We found the basement which was creepy despite there being no actors and yet still ended up back at the rotating tunnel: is this always the way out?? There didn't seem to be any alternative. Again, the clowns were amazing this time around and the bedroom really stood out for me, with three actors all coming at us at once! Again: I feel like it needs an ending although thus time one of the actors followed us out into the exit corridor for one final scare. Basically, a really, really good maze 9/10 Saw Alive: liked this one way more than last year I actually rate it pretty high, which is especially odd since last year I wasn't a fan despite being at the back. The one thing that has always impressed me about SAW is the theming: it is literally beautiful... In a very disturbing way. I like the beginning bathroom scene and the freezer was creepy too, though the hilight had to be a girl following me for two entire rooms stroking my hair xD she just would not leave me alone the pig men were far more effective than last year, waiting in the middle of the flaps between the rooms so you knew you had to walk right up to them. Again, an actor joined our line and followed us out which I thought was effective. The military officer at the beginning was also really good: this maze surprised me with its greatness! Overall I'll give it 8/10 - second favourite! *spoilers* we didn't bother with Blair witch as we decided to do cabin again instead xD overall, despite a few blips, it was a really good night and a fun event
  5. Ahh okay thanks this helped a lot! My only issue now is that the website states that 'your first maze will always be at three' regardless of what time you pick... its so confusing xD but thanks a lot, I think I will get them, if only because two of my friends who are coming are really nervous and queuing for too long might just make them feel worse haha
  6. RubyRed95


    I personally never got to ride the original X: No Way Out, despite many visits to the park, for some reason we just never got around to it. My sister, who got to ride the original X, thinks its a lot better than before, though never really specified why. I've been on it since the changes were made though and thought it was a lot of fun, the music and lights are very immersive and even just walking through the queueline is kind of exciting! The bit that really caught me off guard was how far you had to walk after you got off the ride before you made it to the outside of the pyramid! It felt like it was just one massive, never ending hallway haha
  7. I don't really get how the Directors Cut fastrack works but am considering getting one for my visit. Could you possibly explain a little about how they work, because I've tried to figure it out from the website and it's really very confusing, so any help would be much appreciated! Thanks =)
  8. yes! I watched scare room 5 too it looked like a fantastic event. The tension was built up so well and really put people on edge, it would be great if Thorpe invested in something like this in the future
  9. Just something rather interesting I discovered. On Thorpe's twitter they mentioned that Neptune's beach had been drained specifically for fright nights... What would be the point in the post if nothing was going there? Probably nothing will happen, but just an observation...
  10. Bit off topic, but I noticed a maze fastrack package of Thorpe's website. Since I've never bought fastrack for the mazes before, I was wondering: can you purchase them on the day or do you have to pre-book online??
  11. Ahh been away from this site for quite some time- though I have been following Thorpe's updates on their website- and literally so much has happened!! I think these new mazes have a lot of potential, but there are a few things I can't help but notice: . Thorpe played the whole event off to be 'reinvented' with 'all new mazes', but essentially only two seem to have been completely scrapped- The Passing and The Curse. . My Bloody Valentine is sounding like a rebrand of Experiment 10, and although I expect the re-theme will be fantastic, will be a bit of a let down for those who went in E10 if it's too similar. . We've lost a maze ='( even if The Passing was an upcharge one it would surely have helped with queue control :/ . You're Next had the potential to be an incredible maze, I feel like they really missed out on a great opportunity there. . Not really a downside, but I find it a little strange that The Asylum is the one non IP maze still standing. I get that it's super popular, but I would've thought that Thorpe would have held on to one of their newer investments. That said- I guess if Asylum is what draws in the crowds then that's what they need to keep. HOWEVER, all the above said I am SO excited now. I have my tickets booked and I'm beginning to count down the days in the back of my mind. I'm very interested to see what's going on with this Blair Witch scare zone, and I heard some rumours about SAW Alive getting some new scenes... any proof of this? As a SAW fan, that would please me very much, especially with the exceptionally high standard of theming in that maze. VERY curious about The Cabin in the Wood's and will be trying that out for sure! With an attraction so unique, this could end up being a real crowd pleaser, though admittedly it's kind of a risky move doing something so radically different, though I suppose it worked when they took a leap of faith with Experiment 10. In my opinion, I feel that My Bloody Valentine will be the scariest. I mean... the claustrophobia combined with being separated and the feeling of being chased by the killer... terrifying. I can't help but wonder if we'll get to hear that creepy gas mask breathing sound when he approaches. I'm hard to scare but I think that will probably manage to give me nightmares xD As for Asylum returning.... YAY <3 I regret not going in it last year SO much <3 Oh and also- a while back, didn't Thorpe mention something about putting 'scare ratings' on the mazes? Wonder if we will be seeing any of that...
  12. Regarding this- I can totally see that happening. My bet was that they'd use the old E10 shipping containers due to the tunnel, I guess I sort of forgot about the one in the Passing haha xD While watching the film earlier today (gotta do my research haha), I discovered some great opportunities for scares: *SPOILERS* (dunno how to hide them properly haha) . Since during the film all of the victims seem to get split up (a lot! typical horror movie though haha) I can easily see there being a section where you are on your own or with one or two others, possibly constructed by sending people through the tunnels at different times. . In the tunnels, a killer could either follow in behind you or at least there could be a recording of the creepy gas mask breathing played inside so guests feel that they are being chased. . So many people die in the film that it gives room for victims being in the maze as well as killers, kinda similar to in SAW Alive but they could jump out of nowhere for a jump scare and be far more frantic, pushing you around a bit and yelling at you to escape or go a certain way. . Multiple killers would be KEY since he appears out of nowhere and almost seems to be in two places at once (e.g where he's in the shop then suddenly outside). I feel like this would really catch people off guard as once they think he's gone, he'll be right behind them. This would be especially scary in small groups but less effective with conga lines as not everyone would realise whats going on. . Just a short, random idea for theming, the scene where Sarah is alone in the mine and all the masks/ costumes are hanging from the ceiling and then the killer appears from behind them could be included. Guests could have to push their way through the clothes only to be confronted by an actor in a gas mask. Anyway just some ideas of what might happen Sidenote- saw the film for the first time today and it was excellent =D
  13. Haha was it ever! The doors on the sides kept swinging open so we could see what was going on inside the maze while we queued! was still fun though
  14. The old mazes I guess?? I still think most of the mazes will be new or at least revamps or rebrands of the old ones
  15. I'm personally still holding out for Dead Silence... one of my favourite horror movies and the puppets or even just puppet masks would be SO creepy. Anyone else think that they could potentially include animatronic theming this year? That would be perfect for Dead Silence, the puppets could be sitting around and move on their own just like they do in the film! *prays for this to happen*
  16. Oh my gosh this would be fantastic! The Blair Witch project could be so scary, imagine being split up into groups of 2/3 in the woods!! I, for one, would be terrified xD
  17. Ohh yeah I totally agree! Here's hoping for less conga lines and more inventive/ terrifying ways of navigating the mazes you make a good point, having not seen it in person I can't really judge =)
  18. haha well my fingers are crossed for you yeah, much of what they say about how 'different' things are gonna be is to create hype, I think there will still be a lot of very similar elements to previous years
  19. ohh hope it went well! =D this 'new style of actors' idea sounds interesting too
  20. I dunno, weren't they talking about Fright Night getting a 'massive rebrand' or something?? Or at least ScareTour hinted at it. Lionsgate could easily be that rebrand. However, I totally get where your coming from and that would be a brilliant way to introduce new ideas - especially with the actors in masks- while still keeping many of the old classic mazes! Perhaps they will revamp all the old mazes, perhaps throwing in some name changes, and as you say, only doing one new IP one? We shall have to wait and see On a sidenote though, I can see Asylum being changed into Texas Chainsaw Massacre... what with the infamous chainsaw guy and all
  21. ohhhh yeah xD didn't consider that to be honest, guess I'm just basing it off what scares me personally
  22. That would certainly be a good way to keep everyone guessing through the upcoming months! And although I didn't go on E10 at all, I heard something about part of the maze involving watching a screen last year?? personally I think the action is better totally live
  23. Thank you =D and yeah, Experiment 10 sounded terrifying and the idea of being separated was so unique! I hope they use similar techniques on their new mazes if this one is not to make a return. That said, it's relatively new itself so I'm not losing hope just yet!
  24. ahh I hope so! With You're Next pretty much confirmed I literally HAD to look up the movie trailer! I personally can see a lot of potential, especially with the animal masks and the weapons, but also feel that if they're doing the whole 'scare rating' thing that they have mentioned, this will be one of the less scary ones. But that's just my guess
  25. Really hope they reveal more soon! Going on holiday in 3 days and wont have internet access xD The suspense of not knowing what's going on is going to kill me xD In seriousness though- although its obvious the posters are fake- the ideas seem legit. Pretty sure they're all Lionsgate films, the quotes match and its the same licence as saw so it's a bit of a giveaway =P correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't their original SAW contract due to run out around now?? Looks like they've renewed it with some extra benefits Part of me still wants them to surprise us with totally different mazes from the speculation though! =P
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