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Posts posted by HermanTheGerman

  1. Wouldn't HAVE surprised me.

    I think the silly OTT marketing was all down to that woman who has now moved on (and I don't mean Candy Holland)

    Good riddance.

    Say what you like about Morwenna's marketing tactics, but you can't seriously be happy that she's gone? The general quality of Alton Towers has definitely slipped since she left.
  2. It has been said elsewhere in the topic, but the chances of the interior actually looking like a warehouse are somewhat slim. Look at the plans submitted for The Smiler, neither the marmaliser or the station building looked anything like what we have today. The marmaliser in particular looked more like some sort of dark, alien being. Fairly different from the bright and colourful structure we have now. The IP could quite literally be anything.

  3. See, its nice that they're making an effort to open early, but I'm worried about how successful it will be. Haven't the park learnt from their past experiences that FHT doesn't work? Surely they're just setting themselves up for failure?

  4. Hopefully removing it - I don't see why it's in the park when Toadies does exactly the same thing on a better level, plus has about three times the capacity.

    Firstly, Toadies is pants. Secondly, their throughputs are more or less the same. Remember, there is only three cars on Toadies. And finally, Toadies looks appalling. In out dated, unwanted and overgrown. It's only a matter of time before it gets removed.
  5. At least Penguins of Madagascar will be an in thing at the time. Plus they were my favourite characters from the stage show anyway. Penguin Cove revamp has been needed for a while so nice to see it's being done.


    This isn't the announcement of the elephant replacing the skyway though so we still have that to look forward too :)(I can't find the other countdown page, chessington.com/2015 just leads to the Penguins page now with the countdown on that page)

    It would seem that they just hadn't got round to changing the link, Penguins was indeed the countdown.

  6. See, I like parts of both its designs. I prefer the new colour scheme and paint job, there is just something strangely intimidating yet intriguing about seeing the hieroglyphics on the side of the ride as you enter Forbidden Kingdom. The old logo was far better though, and definitely suited the area more. But the whole, idea of an ancient pharaoh using a machine to 'torture' you I do find to be more fitting. The slogan "Surrender your senses, vengeance is mine" is perfect and really should be used more.


    And yes, to second what EB said, re-paint Forbidden Kingdom!

  7. I'm not too sure how to feel about this really.

    On the one hand I'm glad we're finally get in a dark ride, but at the same time, I'm frustrated about the lack of effort. There are so many things the Arena could be used for.

    Whatever happened to tucking away show buildings behind dense trees and heavy scenery?

    You never know, this could turn out brilliant, but some how I doubt it.

  8. Lots of fan sites have people that don't like the parks. It's mostly for enthusiasts of theme parks, not of specific parks.

    Thorpe is a park that I personally struggle to enjoy. Other than The Swarm and Stealth, all the attractions leave me with a 'meh' feeling. Nothing stands out, nothing special, and they're all (other than Saw and the rides mentioned above) in pretty poor condition.

    Being very local to the park, you'd expect me to visit often, but I rarely go more than once a year. And when I do go, I'm only there for The Swarm, Stealth, Slammer (if it's open) and Loggers. The rest does nothing for me. All the park does is fill me with anger. I.e. Storm Surge, one train operation, Angry Birds Land etc...

    I love thrill rides just as much as I love well themed, immersive environments. But I'd pick Scorpion Express over Inferno any day. That ought to put it into perspective. :)

  9. It can't just be the show and Penguin Cove. That wouldn't really justify a whole webpage and countdown would it? 


    Its not as though they can't do it time wise either. Last year they managed to repaint the majority of two areas, build half a hotel, resurface an entire area, fix major fire damage, re-theme an attraction and build a new monkey area. Not to mention other, smaller refurbs. I'm sure altering a stage and adjusting animal attraction wouldn't be too much on top of retheming a ride elsewhere in the park. Its not as though they're lacking in budget.

  10. Well, I have three lists: Rollercoasters, Rollercoasters as experiences and general attractions. For this, I'll do overall attractions. Where the atmosphere, creativity, theming, physical ride and power to entertain are all equally important.

    1. Big Thunder Mountain

    2. Hex

    3. Scorpion Express

    4. Nemesis

    5. Vampire

    6. Oblivion

    7. The Smiler

    8. Dragon Falls

    9. Oblivion

    10. Runaway Mine Train

  11. Sounds to me like they've reduced the capacity a bit. Yesterday was far busier yet all rides were still open.


    As for Tesco clubcard etc, don't they usually say they'll validate them for Chessington instead? Or am I just imagining that?

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