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Posts posted by paige

  1. The only time I rode Colossus was when I used to use my parents disabled badge and cut the queues and with disabled you have to go at the back and I just found that keeping your head forward out of the restraint helps :P new trains would be very welcome on Colossus and maybe they could repaint it but if thorpe want to keep the lost city theme maybe they could maybe add some brownish sort of paint to make it look rusted :)


    No! Then it'll just look as dirty as some part of the track does now! If they were to repaint it, they should just paint it softer colours, there's no need to deface the track- look how bad it's gotten in just over a decade!



    But it's smoother than usual at the moment!


    I think that's a matter of opinion. Granted, it was rough for me the other week when I was in the middle, but even in the front car I find it way rougher than it has been, especially compared to my first ride in like 2010!



    EDIT: As Ethan just mentioned with the height, I'm barely over 5'4 so I guess that would explain why I've always found it so rough, but that's still the case for me haha. Guess it proves different for different people. 

  2. So I finished school today for the summer but I haven't been in for the last few days as I haven't been well. As a result I missed out on writing paper 2 of my Chemistry ISA (which will make up 25% of my final grade next year) as well as the hand-in date for a piece of coursework I've been working on through the Summer Term. 


    Luckily I can sit the ISA paper in September and I managed to (barely) complete my coursework last night and after a lot of running today around after I left my card which enables you to print in another classroom- in the other side of the school- I managed to print it all off and have it all arranged and handed in to my teacher hardly 10 minutes before the end of the day. My teacher said it looked like a good piece of work and I find out my result when we go back in September, hopefully all goes well as this will also make up 25% of my grade in my subject.


    Okay, it may seem pretty meh to you guys but I've been stressing out so much over the prospect of my coursework not being completed or handed in but I managed to do both and now I have one less thing to worry and get stressed out about, woo :P

  3. If I had of known this was a film/movie set themed park before I'd started reading this, I'd have jumped to conclusions and assume it'd just look tacky and be a bit meh- but that really doesn't seem to be the case at all!

    It really does look like they've put a lot of work, effort and thought into the theming; although yes, it does seem a bit barren as Benin put it. But they can't just clog the place up with attractions straight off and, as Altitude mentioned, they will surely add more foliage and greenery over time.

    But this park looks really good and promising. Providing they don't rush things and/or blow all of their budget within the first five years. I don't often pay much attention to international parks but I think I'm going to keep an eye on this one :D

  4. They seem to be a lot more intricate with the batching process aswell if that makes sense, as in ensuring the numbers are balanced etc. but I'd have thought they'd be able to do it quicker than that anyway? Hopefully they'll sort out this issue before the end of the season/Slammer knackers itself out for good.

  5. I went on Over The Hill back when it was Beelzee Bob's Trail and I broke down and it was horrible and I'm still terrified to go on OTH as the incident in BBT emotionally scarred me THAT much. That werewolf was the most horrible thing ever okay.

    Note: I was about 5 and I didn't realise a- what it actually was and b- that I had to go on.

    Oh, and the first time I actually went on Saw without having my face covered or eyes closed throughout the indoor section was April.


  6. As I'm considered 'smart' at school, I am constantly plagued with numerous questions by other students who need 'help' (read: the answer) and it's been really getting to me lately. Like we have 3 hours left of our Health Studies controlled assessment and I'm only only task two of four (bear in mind, each task has atleast 5-7 sub-tasks) mostly due to the fact that so many other people have been asking if 'this is okay' and if 'I should include that' and my teachers expect me to help as I'm 'more able', so now my grade's going to be compromised as there is no chance that I will complete the remaining tasks- especially not to the standard and depth my other tasks have been completed to. I don't mind helping people, but when I'm constantly being pestered and it's having an affect on my own grades/performance it just annoys me so much.


    Also, I hate how teachers will give me lower marks in say an English essay as it 'wasn't your best piece'. I really feel like my teachers' judgement of my work is now marred by their expectations of me/knowledge of what I'm 'capable of'. 


    But yeah, basically school. 

  7. I think the problem lies with the fact that they can't/don't batch guests into the loading area until the ride before it is over and has been cleared, not necessarily a problem with the actual ride itself (although if that was the case I wouldn't be surprised).

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