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Posts posted by paige

  1. I don't understand why Slammer takes so long to batch, maybe it's as there's a considerable amount of new staff and Slammer hasn't been open for a while so they may not really know it well, or what.


    On Saturday, the queue time was advertised as 20 minutes, but we ended up waiting about 40 minutes, and honestly they only went through two, maybe three cycles (although they spent about 5 minutes looking for someone's phone as it fell out during the ride). They were taking atleast 10-15 minutes to load, I just didn't understand it- there was probably a throughput of about 280pph IF THAT. I get there's things with balancing etc. but I don't see how it could be that hard just to count the right number or people? If there's a major factor which affects the batching time, I would be keen to know.

  2. The ride isn't as rough as it has been, even for a Gerst. If you know how to brace yourself its pretty okay, unless you get a rough car.

    The maze? Returning throughout the season? No thanks. I never went in it and I don't particularly regret it. Saw Alive had to be one of the worst moves Thorpe made IMO: there was so much hype over saw but then the maze just flopped. Also, who the hell would pay a fiver for that? Especially outside of FN.

  3. I went on Stealth back row for the first time ever yesterday and it was, well, awesome! It was so forceful and you really feel the speed of it as you're going up the top hat- and the amount of air time you get when you're going down the top hat and over the airtime hill has to be the best I have ever experienced on any coaster so far!


    I think it could give Inferno a run for it's money  :ph34r:

  4. £50 for 4 people!? It was originally £80... I thought Thorpe were doing pretty decent with this to be honest, although it wasn't that busy today, mind you the weather was dreadful :P Nice to see they've put the prices down though, still wouldn't want to waste 1-2 hours of ride time for it.

  5. Today was pretty great, thanks guys, I honestly can't believe it's only my second official meet! I feel as though I've been a part of TPM for ages! Today was fun though, and it was nice to get to know/spend time with some new people. See you guys at Summer Nights, hopefully :D


    I hope all of the *whispers* over 18s are having fun at MoS right now and that those who went to the cinema enjoyed their film... even if they haven't seen the first one yet :P 


    And Peaj, the rock has joined the Chessie rock on my wall- best goodbye gesture EVER.

  6. rain triple wait time? I mentioned rain because it was partly to blame for being stuck on stealth.

    Also I criticise merlin as they are trying to be the best, act like the best but in reality they are far from it. 


    You stated the rain made it feel like 60 minutes, when it was infact 20. 


    Okay, well, I think that Merlin mess up sometimes but I don't feel the need to simply fabricate information for the sake of critisizing it.

  7. ProjectLC- your arguments seem to be going in circles. If you're going to critisize something, ensure that 1- your arguments are valid, 2-you actually KNOW what you're talking about and 3- what you're saying is actually the truth and matches up and makes sense. Now I can see why so many people get annoyed when they critisize or complain about Merlin, as people like you try to find a fault in anything and everything, and, failing that, just start to talk a load of rubbish, essentially compiling a load of false information as you go.


    But, really, how can some rain triple your waiting time? 

  8. This whole baggage area/throughput issues seem to have came about only recently, I don't know if Thorpe have had any job cuts but I think they certainly need to review the amount of staff they have on X. Even though it's a small ride dropping bags off is a bit awkward. Mostly, I guess, due to the lack of space and light- with regards to getting bags into the right boxes and picking out the right ones afterwards etc. But I don't understand why Thorpe think it's okay or clever to put just one person in the baggage area when there's atleast two places which need to be attended to. Whether it saves them money and seems to be more or just as efficient theoretically or not, Thorpe shouldn't neglect things like this.

  9. I am heading to Thorpe for my birthday in just over 2 weeks with a BIG group of people a good old 20/25 of us and I was wondering if anyone would give me any advice on guiding and handling a large group of people considering Thorpe park mania do gatherings every so often! it would be much appreciated if I could have some advice soon rather than later this is the second gathering I have had with my friends and I kept on loosing people *(I have the brain of dory ) XXX thanks guys :P  ;)  :lol:  


    Well, Peaj does a head count for everyone as we're walking into a queue, so you could try that I guess. Also, ensure you know exactly who's coming and make sure they inform you if they're going to be late or delayed for whatever reason, so you can start the day and just meet them later. Also, if you aren't all travelling together, establish a meet point so everyone can find eachother at the start... it can be awful to start the day with a load of confusion etc. Oh, and make sure you ALL STICK TOGETHER... Nothing's worse than losing someone at a place like Thorpe, especially if it's busy! But yeah, have fun!




    I highlighted the key points in bold, mostly so I look like I know what I'm talking about.

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