Omg Jack, I was going to go, then my mate's mum said the same as yours. Tut. On a more serious note, I hate racists. People at school seem to be unable to see past the fact my boyfriend is Vietnamese. They keep making comments, using all sorts of racist remarks. Anytime I mention him, the fact he's not white is always brought up. It's seriously upsetting, as the people doing it most are in my friend group. It's not even banter anymore, they've taken it way past the point where I can shrug it off. Thing is, I can't tell anyone in my group, because when said remarks were made, everyone in the group laughed and ignored it. If I confront the girl properly, she'll play the "I didn't realise I was doing it" card, and the group will ditch me. I don't know what to do. I just find it ridiculous that his ethnicity is such a problem for them, as I'd never dream of even bringing up their boyfriend's nationality.