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Everything posted by Ian-S

  1. Are the words you're looking for a transformer, or a conduit (for carrying the cables)?
  2. Yes you're right littlehampton had another coaster that went to flamingo land according to the internet. When you get to my age, one coasters origins blurs into another lol.
  3. It's also ironic that Chessington is the only park they own the freehold of, you'd think that as they owned the place outright, they'd put the effort in, or perhaps that is the issue, no freeholder dictating maintance / upkeep terms to them, so they just ignore it. Yes Josh that is what happened, it was a few days after Smiler that Rattlesnake and Fury closed for the now infamous 'new safety protocols' to the implemented. Personally I think because Rattlesnake is so old (I first rode that when it was at Littlehampton nearly 40 years ago iirc!) and from what I remember riding it, there is no way for them to stop the cars while they're going round, there are brake runs but they're barely long enough to slow the cars let alone stop them (I could be wrong) so I think they looked at it and thought sh*t we got to do something about that, it's probably taken them this long to design a shutdown system and build some evac platforms.
  4. Thanks for the link it's a bit more than water mind you, I'm guessing the Inferno system (considering the ride's age) is a liquid nitrogen based one (especially since the fog is cold and tends to fall rather than the glyco/distilled water systems that are not cold and rise easily), but I could be wrong lol.
  5. Depending what system it is it'll continuously need topping up so will stop now and then, I guess it depends whether an engineer is off fixing Stealth or Swarm as to how quickly the thing get's topped up if it runs out. There's a place round here that has a 'smoke machine' and they are always forgetting to top the tank up in the morning and my mate often get's a call during his lunch hour to go refill the thing,
  6. We put off our trip this year to be able to go next year and ride these, Paultons seem to have the magic touch with theming choice, Dinosaurs are all the rage with kids nowadays.
  7. Ian-S


    We used to have two Burmese cats but they died of old age a few years ago (17 and 20), our Aunt has just taken in a rescue dog, lovely thing, his owner went into the local vets and said to the receptionist, 'could I just leave him with you, while I make a phone call', she naively said yes the guy went outside and was never seen again. Very frustrating as our cats were like family members.
  8. That tunnel looks a mess without the mist lol.
  9. The full cost is £46million, with the Council borrowing £36 million to fund their share, the other party is putting in a 'significant amount themselves' I.e. £6million, so not so significant, and the rest is well, err, being created by the beach fairies? The stupidity of this project makes RNR look like a well run project, I don't even live in Brighton but share LC's frustration at the project.
  10. Is it related to WC16 though?
  11. Is it related to WC16 though?
  12. Ian-S


    Fix the rest of the park first.
  13. Ian-S


    Yeah I've heard the confidence thing before too, took a newbie on Saw at Thorpe the other week and he panicked because there was 'no belt holding the harness down'. He is 11 so I let him off his naivety lol.
  14. Ian-S


    I always thought the belt was there incase the hydrolic mechanism holding the restraints down failed for some reason, to stop the restraint from opening mid-ride. Ignoring the fact for a second that any good dead man's switch should be the other way (failure should be in the locked position).
  15. Netherspehre? Cyberman reprogramming facility? Normally I'd say no but since Missy is in the trailers for the new series, I guess anything is possible? Would be easier to guess if we had a hint of the IP...
  16. Hadn't got any bigger by Saturday. Poking my head through the fence, initial impressions of the section that had been built, reminded me of an indoor stage, viewed from over by IAC, there's no way they'll fit a coaster in there, I still think this will turn out to be another 'experience' type attraction like IAC, more than anything else. I've learnt to have low expectations
  17. They were tearing down the posters and chucking them in the bin as we left yesterdsy, but they were neatly folding up the banners on the bridge and keeping them. We've been to about half a dozen of them and attendance has increased steadily throughout the Summer, even last night when it was pouring down there was more people there than for the first few. Even though I have no interest in the music, the selfish 'won't stand in a queue if itss more thn 20 minutes' side of me hopes it was a success for them and it continues in some form next year as it's great for those of us who can't stand queing for things lol.
  18. A lot of the local secondaries round here have scheduled two of their inset days for 1/2 Oct this year, might not mean much but might also keep it in consideration if planning trips to Thorpe or Chessie.
  19. That was probably my neighbour She took her two sprog today, had we been on speaking terms I'd have offered up some friendly advise about waiting, but we're not so I didn't and they had a **** day aparantly, won't be going back so I heard. My eyes did roll earlier, Bubbleworks 2 hours, Colossus at Thorpe was 2 hours 20 minutes, yet elsewhere Nemesis, Rita and Oblivion were all on 0 minutes, if only I lived closer to Alton...
  20. Anybody watch this weeks Click on BBC News? There's a segment on there about Europa Park and their 'virtual reality rollercoaster on a rollercoaster' project. Basically you wear a VR headset while on the ride (it was a coaster similar to runaway mine train at Towers) which gives you some funky views while riding like pink flying dragons and the track being constructed as you run along it etc., you know the kind of stuff previously reserved for hippies smoking pot in the 60's Personally I think augmented reality (or whatever it's called, the one that mixes VR with reality) would be way better, but I liked the concept. For some reason WC16 immediately jumped into my mind while watching....
  21. Ian-S

    The Dome

    That's not what he meant
  22. Bembom Brothers White Knuckle Theme Park (aka Dreamland Margate), went there for a friends 10th birthday, they took us at out of school for the day (shock horror!) and nobody was there, we rode the Scenic Railway & Looping Star continuously for about 4 hours. Went to Thorpe once or twice too when it was still own by RMC, (my Dad was an RMC contractor and used to bring home free tickets lol) but in those days Thorpe was no match for the lure of Bembom, we bunked off school a few times to take the train down, my mum never did find out lol. Life took me away until last year when my son suddenly announced he wanted to ride the log flume at Hayling Island much to everyone's surprise while we were there, he loved it so later in the week we went to Paultons and he hasn't looked back.
  23. They're just arseholes so feel free to kill them before they kill me (the wasps that is, not the Thorpe staff or rides....).
  24. That wasn't my point, the 'inside source' claimed Merlin owned the Thorpe Park property, which they don't, they have a 35 year lease on it, which calls into question the accuracy of everything else the 'inside source' was claiming if they can't even get that one simple well known fact right.
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