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Everything posted by Ian-S

  1. Took boyo yesterday evening too, did trick or treat, got utterly picked on by the hosts and dare I say it the best bits were the trees lol, didn't have time to do the haunted so we'll go back Sunday for that. Park was utterly packed, we had to park in an overflow carpark by the entrance before you even get to the barriers, which made getting out fantastic. I would pretty much echo everybody else's comments, not mych theming and operations were reasonable, if a tad slow, they delayed dispatch on our ride on vampire so we could get on, which meant the other train stacked when for timing it would have been far quicker to dispatch the first train and let us go on the next one, I even said to the guy we'll wait but no they insisted. This wouldn't be a problem if the place was empty but delaying dispatch for two minutes while people run from the gate because someone miscalculated the numbers just makes matters worse, the queue was already 90 minutes lol. For us it's not a problem as we're used to it, but there was a lot of unhappy parents about trying to keep their kids entertained in the queue line.
  2. How are the queues for the mazes at Chessie?
  3. 90 minute queue during school time and it's not even half term yet for 98% of Surrey (only the snob schools have had this week off).... oh my.
  4. I prefer Dynamo myself, he's far more down to earth, now Dynamo the ride, my wife would definitely jump on that....
  5. Do you mean pikeys or something else?
  6. Even better I'd take the present two trains being run efficiently instead of a 90 minute queue being acceptable on a wet weekend in October.
  7. Queue jumpers should be kicked out the park, no exceptions, let them kick up a stick on twitter then have the social team say 'those are the rules if you are unhappy about being ejected, perhaps you shouldn't have queue jumpedn the first place then we wouldn't be having this conversation'. I can dream right?
  8. Ian-S


    Don't they have to have all parts made adlib? I'd have thought that if the thing is leased, and it finishes at the end of this year, then they wouldn't have spent the bucket loads of money earlier this year on repairing it, I certainly wouldn't have unless the lease specified 'as new' on return, I really can,t see a ride like that being leased tbh.
  9. Well, I still think it's going to be a journey/story type ride like Shrek's buss ride, I just hope you can't see the top of the screens when it's operating.
  10. Ian-S


    Slammer should be preserved at (almost) all costs, it's a very unique ride (IMHO, I've never experienced another ride quiet like it).
  11. Holy cow batman, was that 'before the gates opened' to coin a phrase, or was that the actual queue to get through the turn styles?
  12. Believe it or not I do agree with you, I tend to respect 'smoking' rules at places and try not to vape, but sadly the small majority of fat shell suit wearing over makeup'd chavs who think they can vape wherever they want **** it up for the rest of us who know how to be discrete.
  13. Mix your liquid up at 100% PG and you won't produce any 'smoke' at low voltage (up to 3.6v, or minimal smoke that most people won't even notice), I don't know if they still sell them but there used to be keyring size atomisers you can easily conceal in your hand. Sorry for going OT, but I don't see the fuss either, vaping in a queue line is no more dangerous to other people than breathing in their direction, but I can kind of understand why it causes issues, unless you're a vaper for an everyday layman it's virtually impossible to tell the difference between smoke and vapour, people see 'smoke' and automatically think someone's smoking, plus the fag industries propaganda campaign against vaping just makes things worse as there is so much wrong information out there, it's also impossible to tell anybody they are wrong, simple solution to save hassle is just don't vape or take a small unit that doesn't produce 'smoke'.
  14. If it's just one row then it can also be for exit/disabled access pass holders.
  15. Use / to close the spoiler tag, not \
  16. Translation: we want to re-open it but the ride still has a prohibition notice on it so we can't until that's lifted.
  17. What did it say? We've only one bad neighbour who likes parties, lots of them, but we've heard they're jumping on the help to buy gravy train and might be moving out soon, fingers crossed.
  18. We'll go but only cos it's 10 minutes up the roadnd free entry (MAP), without a MAP I wouldn't make a special trip.
  19. Ian-S


    Bull**** seems to be the language of choice nowadays. Our landlord has written to all the residents and said a company is going to install solar panels on the roof, as an incentive to agree to this to happen, we all get 'free electric' from the panels. Guy turned up yesterday unannounced wanting to know who is joining the scheme and who isn't, so I asked him a few awkward questions, the bull**** meters went off the scale with some of the crap he was coming out with, even lied and said my two neighbours had agreed, I said funny, she just text me and she's in Croydon, oh not that neighbour, that one (pointing at the other flat) she said yes - oh really, I already know she's going to say no and she's not even in the Country, so if you talked to her just now, you can sure move fast. Don't think I was very popular, he's coming back today with answers to my questions, I won't hold my breath.
  20. Ian-S


    I've given up trying to correct people who think like that.
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