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Everything posted by Ian-S

  1. Standard pass holder have to book/pay, it's only Premium and VIP who can pitch up and take the next available slot without paying.
  2. Like spoilers for tv shows, I prefer not to know the full story until I walk into the attraction, I deliberately stayed clear of Shrek spoilers and am glad I did because if I'd have known about it in advance, it wouldn't have been so much fun going through the attraction. Having said that, drip feeding info invariably leads to high expectations, which are rarely fulfilled in reality.
  3. That was aimed at everybody else, not you sorry, I know you know the systems inside out lol. But... Accesso's plan is to roll out qbot everywhere, presumably to replace fasttrack, not sure how that's supposed to work on the London attractions but it's sure to create havoc initially lol.
  4. You do realise RNR is the same as BPB Speedypass Mobile? And Speedypass the same a qbot at legoland? Accesso signed a new supply contract with Merlin earlier this year, a seven year one, reading between the lines, the plan is to roll out their 'virtual queuing' devices to ALL the parks and London attractions by 2017.
  5. Lady Heather has nothing on this lot, by Christ.
  6. Getting back on topic, I wonder how long the cars/trains are on this ride?
  7. But, but.... OK I'll stop, and hope you see the humour in my posts, unlike another forum I've just been banned from for cracking a joke about booze.
  8. Is Kenny the Clown someone in the big top?
  9. I was going to post earlier that they are just asking for an actor to have seven shades of crap kicked out of them by pulling that stunt and I pitty the poor soul that picks the short straw that day.
  10. I can't see the video for reasons I won't go into, but are these the white legless water filled 'bodies' they use to simulate passengers, or real crash test dummies with data logging equipment in?
  11. But but is that measured from the horizon, or another point of origin?
  12. But but... you 'invert' back to normal position at the top...
  13. The lap bar is a one piece design, it's a bad design, we got stuck in the room for 15 minutes while they tried to sort out one of them, eventually they had to ask everybody on the row to leave as it wouldn't lock down even with nobody in the seats, they were not happy.
  14. As I said it depends on your interpretation of what an inversion is. For example the Cobra roll on Colossus is counted as two inversions (according to wiki), yet the corkscrews on the last section are all counted individually. It's certainly unique though.
  15. I'd rather ride Colossus with a lap bar than go anywhere near this ****.
  16. It was probably aimed at me cos I didn't goto Alton at the weekend due to Smiler & flumes being shut so I'm failing in showing my support for the park when they need it (never mind that I would have faced a 10 hour round trip to do it) and went to Legoland instead
  17. My son wasn't overly impressed with the big one either, I could say the same about it the woodies though, each to their own as they say.
  18. Haha we got some strange looks on Thursday at Legoland wondering round with BPB Ponchos on. I was also amazed the number of people who would buy a poncho, ride, then chuck it in the bin on the ride exit, it's how we got our BPB ones, out the bin at the ride exit. I liked the big one, but then speed is my thing, not necessarily inversions, although it is quiet rough, I remember at the time when I came off saying no wonder arrow went bust that would extract my fillings if I still had any left to the Mrs.
  19. I do hope that estop button isn't on the 'public' side of the fence.... Given that new phone box looking device that's appeared on the fence by the batwing, I wonder if one of the conditions pushed onto the park will be a live observer will have to be positioned there all the time the ride is in operation?
  20. Typical, the one day I plan to go then change my mind.....
  21. Oh yes, can't wait for January.
  22. Official reason: not enough demand to run second train. Real reason: Saves money, saves wear and tear, only enough time to sign off one each morning, not enough engineers to prepare two, train is broken, new safety 'protocols', not enough staff, wind is blowing in wrong direction, wrong type of leaves on the line (oops sorry wrong train company) etc. etc. Take your pick, there's probably plenty more...
  23. LOL. I wouldn't read too much into thing that have eye effects in, it's been a popular effect since The X Files used it in their title sequence and that was like what 15 years ago, if you started tying everything that's ever had an eye effect in similar to this you could associate the 'attraction' with anything from Eurosport to Continuum (SciFi series). It's more likely that COD, Thorpe and BBC have all used the same production house for their promos and they've just tweaked the same base effect to match the clients requirements.
  24. If it's an invasion the only thing on my mind is whether Fox Mulder is doing anything to stop it....Seriously though, I didn't know they called it a 'non-inverting' loop, I guess they mean you are not 'inverted' I.e. upside down, at the top, since you can clearly see the corkscrew in the track just as it crests the top, it's pretty clear you don't enter the loop inverted, but invert to right way up just at the point where you would become inverted, if that makes any sense..... It'll probably feel like that funny bit on Infusion at BPB, but without the ride trying to dislocate your neck at the midpoint.
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