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Everything posted by Ian-S

  1. I'm talking the legal process, not the morral one.
  2. Ian-S


    Huh? I had an entire car to myself on Summer Nights.
  3. Due to the 'public interest' in the case they'll probably release a very minimal report once the investigation is complete, something like 'human error, no further comments to be made pending prosecution' then follow it up with the full one once any prosecutions are done, they cannot release the full report immediately because it'll prejudice the case (the defendant could, and should if it happens, argue that due to the the publicity over the report, they cannot expect to have a fair unbias trial). Prejudice and it consequences should be taught at school, the Americans are a lot hotter on it than us, another board I frequent (USA based) has locked down entire threads on subjects as soon as someone is charged.
  4. Yup although it wasn't totally that everybody left, it was that nobody came and the indiginious species couldn't give a crap. I can't remember the figures exactly but it was something very disappointing (for Coe and Co) like only half a million Tourists came for the Olympics, and only a few million in total for the whole year, they tried to polish it up by saying they spent more and we had more tourists thanks to the Olympics, but frankly the Olympics was a disaster. A friend of mine owns a pub in Bow within spitting distance of the Olympic Park and he said as soon as the Olympics started, his area became a ghost town.
  5. If there is to be a prosecution, the full report won't be published until after that has taken place.
  6. To be fair, any company not employing that policy is doing it wrong.
  7. He's an idiot then if they still think the low gate figures in 2012 was because The Swarm didn't have a household name IP.
  8. Mind the gap was always something the old train conducted shouted at you as we you entered stations, I do seem to remember, along with don't stick your head out the window you f****** idiot. Maybe this is a Victorian train simulator, see how close you can get to the oncoming train before you head is sliced off....
  9. Fyi, Vicky Balch is doing her first public interview on BBC2/News at 9.15 today with that Victoria Derbyshire woman.
  10. That's not a Chameleon Arch, wrong watch face.
  11. There is no ride, that's the idea, it'll just be in flat packs dotted around a souless warehouse that you're forced to walk through, with little shortcuts every so often disguised as shelves.
  12. It could be a mistake, earlier in the year I had to email and ask them if thy were open on a particular day because the website said they were closed but other parts of the website indicated they were, they came back after a few hours and said it's a mistake, we're open we'l let the web team know, and within a few days the site had been fixed.
  13. LOL I guess they get their logic from the same lot that thought reducing hover power usage would mean people used less power, when in reality the reduction in power means you have to spend longer hovering, thus increasing your total kWh usage....
  14. Thanks for the feedback on actors. As I said, we went to Summer Nights nine times in all, only once were our Eventbrite/Annual Passes scanned, so following their logic, I booked 36 tickets and only used 4 of them, which is about as wrong as it can get, we wasn't the only ones to experience this, so their logic is flawed if that's how they're guaging ticket usage.
  15. Quick q about FN, I wouldn't dream of taking my nipper in any of the mazes, he won't even go on Saw because of the indoor section (he's 11 and always had issues with the dark), but is it safe to take him on park? I know it seems strange but he likes riding the coasters in the dark, especially swarm. Anyway I know they have a recommended age of 13, but is that just for the mazes or for the whole park in general? Do the live actors do the 'running up behind you screaming' part only in the mazes or everywhere?
  16. Is it just me or did the thunder river (or whatever it was called) have a different layout back in the 80's? It might just be that there was less trees and shrubs around it, or that you could see more of it, but my childhood memories of it are a tad different to the layout today.
  17. No way in this climate would they risk that move.
  18. It's their own fault, #1 rule of ecommerce is the KISS principle, to assume all your customers have the latest and greatest hardware able to run the new standards is naive at best.
  19. Awe my son will be heartbroken over this, he would sit there for hours exchanging glances with Ashok.
  20. I do hope they didn't base the decision to charge a booking fee off Summer Nights stats, since of the nine times I attended, my pass/ticket was only ever scanned the once.
  21. I'm f***** if I'd ride Colossus with just a lap bar.
  22. Yeah conduits, well that's what my dad calls them and he's a sparky. There's probably a different name for those metal versions, you know how industry likes to give everything it's own unique name.
  23. Yeah they weren't cute and cuddly back then...
  24. Wasn't when I was a kid lol.
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