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Everything posted by 400400

  1. 7/10. Only because I like the gun Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
  2. Last year loggers was open on Sunday
  3. I have a feeling he's more story based
  4. Explain why everyone is worrying about vr. Has anyone tried vr to this quality before ?? Looking at the vr pictures they look amazing The vives technology to use the space and objects around you is game changing
  5. Was it just me who missed the pass day on the 13 th
  6. They need to not publish any info till they want it getting out
  7. Says who. Please everyone had an even chance at it you don't win everything
  8. Sorry I forgot we were the only people who followed it. Plus they had to get the last clue so they won it fair and square. And it's not like you won't get to ride it, it'll be like a day or 2
  9. Htc announced the vive will be $800 and ships april clue about opening???
  10. https://youtu.be/CyjSRGJdd7o This video is awesome goes really in depth with the vive worth a watch
  11. If they did it like 2006 I would go to thorpe over the summer
  12. Now we will have no empty summer days
  13. 400400


    I challenge people to get the funniest picture using a snapchat filter. Heres mine
  14. 400400


    The queue could do with a tidyAnd drains
  15. 400400


    100% Natural colouring
  16. I would like some variation and stuff changed in saw. that's my problem, The big top needs a new first tent, have the ring leader in there instead of the middle. Have him welcome you to his circus. Out side sections have to go all around the maze unless they don't interrupt the flow. Between tent 1 and 2 you could have something like mbv and iac with the air bags. Hall of mirrors needs to be the hall of mirrors not the hall of black cloth. Longer strobe maze taking up rest of that tent. Where ring leader was they should have the doll section from s13. After that a spinning tunnel. Then to tent 3. The fun house I found boring and everyone I went with found it boring as well, so they could have a changing room with clown costumes or dry cleaning bags hanging down like mbv used to. Then a make up room. We can have the baby and the tilted room after that. If they were to end the maze with a chain saw they could make the last few corridors themed to the grounds with fence's and binsWhat would u guys change
  17. They do it during closed season I think(hope)
  18. One thing I wish they would do on neme inf is to turn the queue barrier into a gate. The one before you walk back and fourth loads, so on days that aren't so busy we don't have to walk the queue
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