I would like some variation and stuff changed in saw. that's my problem, The big top needs a new first tent, have the ring leader in there instead of the middle. Have him welcome you to his circus. Out side sections have to go all around the maze unless they don't interrupt the flow. Between tent 1 and 2 you could have something like mbv and iac with the air bags. Hall of mirrors needs to be the hall of mirrors not the hall of black cloth. Longer strobe maze taking up rest of that tent. Where ring leader was they should have the doll section from s13. After that a spinning tunnel. Then to tent 3. The fun house I found boring and everyone I went with found it boring as well, so they could have a changing room with clown costumes or dry cleaning bags hanging down like mbv used to. Then a make up room. We can have the baby and the tilted room after that. If they were to end the maze with a chain saw they could make the last few corridors themed to the grounds with fence's and binsWhat would u guys change