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About mikeymclaughlin

  • Birthday 06/01/1989

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  • Favourite ride
    The Smiler
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Alton Towers

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  1. I read earlier that Platform 15, Big top and SAW were returning with 2 new IPs
  2. Anyone think SAW will have any changes with the new Jigsaw movie coming out in October? Think its due a bit of an update.
  3. I hope the same thing doesn't happen as last year, where the opening is constantly delayed and then spends most of the season barely operating. I was let down on a few occasions last year, and think I only witnessed one cycle work correctly in at least 10 rides.
  4. It's the same for this Saturday - can only assume this is what they are charging for Saturday's as they will be the busier day, it maxed capacity last Saturday so can assume it might be close to capacity again so has reverted to standard price. All other days still on offer though.
  5. I went on it Saturday gone. The 3rd or 4th group of the day. Couldn't have been more of a disaster. The pre show wasn't working so was ushered to the top of the stairs. There was an engineer there working on it though. First train section we were sat waiting on the train for a good 25 minutes with the please remove your headset message. When we got going I was in the air looking down at the video. Very frustrating. Live action sequence not working. Very poor. 2nd VR was clear however 10 minutes of watching the green smoke. Tedious!!! All in all very poor experience. Not one aspect worked correctly. Didn't bother with reride as didn't want to queue 2 plus hours for it not to work again. Now I'm left with this poor memory for the rest of closed season. ? The only positive were the actors were a lot more hands on especially during the green smoke section so at least something was happening. My mate even got dragged across the seat, but afterwards realised we now had someone sat between us, presumably they had been relocated due to a broken headset lol Overall a disappointing 2.5 out of 10. Think they should focus on getting it to work before adding a new destination!
  6. Thanks Morgan. I assume the time slots are on first come first served basis so should get there early if I want a night time slot for Platform 15!
  7. Does anyone know how maze fastback is going to work in terms of time slots? The website doesn't ask you to select a time but the product notes suggest it is actually a time slot based system. Can anyone advise how this has worked in previous years?
  8. Still no tickets available for Containment!
  9. I hoped they would have told us a bit more about the Easter Eggs as opposed to just telling us they exist!
  10. Has anyone experienced both endings yet? I went on it 6 times Monday/Tuesday and got the same ending each time.
  11. I know but I can hope Do you know if people are still being asked to sign the NDAs?
  12. I'm so happy! I hope I get on this Monday or Tuesday. I had just accepted It probably wouldn't be open! Fingers crossed all goes well!
  13. I honestly thought we would have heard something about opening by now. I'm there Monday and Tuesday next week... looking unlikely now - will have to wait until Fright Nights if it doesnt open next week.
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