Last year was my first year and most of the mazes were unlike anything I had seen previously at Fright Nights etc.
Pandemonium was new last year so at the very most I see them removing/adding features and keeping the overall maze. I think Cellar, Chop Shop, and Hellements have uniqueness and incredible theming which is a strong argument for them staying, whereas Colony has little theming from what I can remember so can easily be adapted to the new theme. Coven could also be replaced, but I'd rather see them develop the idea they already had, which was abstract and really promising, and perhaps extend the maze almost to the length of Colony by adding longer outdoor paths with more theming to do with the ritual and it could become one of the best mazes at the park.
Regarding the two extended mazes, I'd like to see Colony extended and developed as previously mentioned, as well as Chop Shop being extended to feature more areas based around tension. This is because the maze last year seemed repetitive and had little structure later on in the maze. By splitting up the areas of loud chainsaws and in-your-face scares, I would like to see more theming in gloomier areas to make the maze more of an all-round maze featuring loud noises and aggressive actors as well as creepy corridors with blind corners with little lighting. What they have already is great, but could easily be improved to avoid it getting stale towards the end.