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About JoelAllen

  • Birthday 06/06/2003

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  • Favourite ride
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Alton Towers

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    Theme parks! Especially Thorpe Park & Alton Towers. I also really like swimming

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  1. Honestly that's great to hear there's more staff. More hosts normally mean faster operations.
  2. Would love to see a new flat on Slammer’s site next year. I expect with Hyperia being right next to Slammer they’d want to do something soon with that area to compliment it.
  3. Love the look of these trains, bit concerned about the queue line/landscaping right now. Right now it’s just a mud… I believe they also have to dig out the mud to re-create the lake at the back of the site. Loggers looked fantastic with the nature all around it so hope this will get there too.
  4. Yup! Scanned the ticket myself and the turnstile lets you in, not sure why they got rid of these at Chessington. They were great and are always easy to use. If there were any issues, staff would be there anyway!
  5. No, they allocate the right hand side of the entrance turnstiles for annual pass holders, to ease up the queues at the start of the day. But when we went yesterday we used a day ticket on one of these turnstiles and it worked fine. There was staff on hand too.
  6. Colossus (6) Depth Charge (5) Detonator: Bomb's Away (5) Flying Fish (4) Mr. Monkey's Banana Ride (5) Nemesis Inferno (5) Quantum (5) Rumba Rapids (5) Rush (5) Samurai (5) Saw - The Ride (5) Stealth (5) Storm in a Teacup (5) The Swarm (5) The Walking Dead - The Ride (5) Tidal Wave (5) Vortex (5) Zodiac (5) + Colossus - Flying Fish
  7. Every time I've been this year they've been working. Its a cool effect actually.
  8. I agree, the outer seat is definitely the best one.
  9. Hey there! Well done for conquering for fear, I hope you enjoyed Nemesis, The Smiler and the other rides. Personally, from least scariest to scariest drops, I would say: Stealth Oblivion Saw So, Saw being the scariest. I would aim to do all of them if you ask me, they'll all over in a matter of seconds, and I have no doubt in thinking you will love them!
  10. Vortex has once again re-opened today, with confirmation from Thorpe Park.
  11. Yes, Vortex is open again and has been for about a week and a half.
  12. Got a reply from Thorpe about vortex: “Hi Joel, Unfortunately we can't say exactly when Vortex will be back. Our engineers are testing the ride at the moment and we hope to have it back in operation as soon as possible!” This is good to hear and it should be back very soon!
  13. This is great news! Hopefully it should be back within the next week then.
  14. Good to hear so looking forward to riding it again next week!
  15. Good to hear that. Sadly I’m away on the 10-10 night, but I hope to be going back to Thorpe for my birthday a few weeks later.
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