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Everything posted by ML27

  1. On a nice sunny day in the summer it will. I just hope during autumn and rainy days it doesn’t look like a swamp
  2. Lake looks tiny, I assume that they’ve started to infill parts of the lake or they will open it back up when construction is finished.
  3. I think there’s been some confusion as it’s never been advertised as a spa or such. Always been a quiet space, you’d have to speak to first aid anyway to use it. So you have to have the intention of needing it to get access to it They’ve only partnered with a company to help get some equipment and helps fund the space I suppose
  4. Some new images from the Exodus22 Twitter account. I’ll start by stating that obviously the park does not want people doing this and is frowned upon. It’s legal at the end of the day and I think it provides something of discussion. Amazing to see how much space there is, the more space they clear kinda makes me wish it was a whole area with multiple rides because of how much space will be unaccessible with just exodus. Anyway, the space they are working on now looks to be where the foundations and supports for the lift hill will go. I wonder when we will see that lake cut off. Whilst on project exodus, that Burger King in old town is definitely not staying. When Jack asked russ about a refurb in that Burger King when amity had one. Russ said that we would have to wait and see what the future holds. I sincerely hope, that there are plans which don’t require planning permission to refresh and retheme that whole area away from a western theme. It doesn’t make sense.
  5. Wondered why I saw the cans of paint behind curse when it opened 😂
  6. Ultimately, it’s not something for a demographic. It’s not an attraction, it’s a sensory, quiet place for people who need it. Sometimes people can get overwhelmed by the noises or lighting in the park and this place provides a safe place to get away from the hustle and bustle of the park. this place won’t nor should it have a queue. Your talking about a medical space, this is like this forum talking about a queue for a first aid room. However in regards to Matts point, I’ve seen a few people on Twitter and other places use the room to say they’ve been in it and just use it for sake of it rather than using it for it’s intended use 😂 however it’s not for me to decide what’s good and bad uses of it, however some people definitely are using it as a badge
  7. Still don’t think it looks good on taziker. I’d like to assume they get approached by Thorpe saying that we need to replace track however it needs to be done in the closed season. Taiziker promise them they will commit by a date. In this instance, the track was delivered 5 days before opening. I don’t think that’s great. They had five months, unless they started to make the track in November? But again I’d say that’s poor again. It was same with big one last year, theoretically they have a whole season where they should be working on the next bit of track now at least for delivery over this winter. Preventing delays
  8. I suppose it’s good to see Taziker trying to make track? I suppose? But I don’t think I have much confidence in them now. It should have just been done by Intamin rather than the wish version. The mantra online is that we should be supporting a British company attempting to do something. However they kinda messed up on the big one retrack last year by having weird lats on it now. They seem to always always be delayed, the big one never opened for opening weekend until they moved it to March. Colossus is still closed in a park which depends on every single rollercoaster. It’s pretty unprofessional
  9. Just seen this, yeah it didn’t fit eeek
  10. Apparently the reason why there’s no track at all now is because it didn’t fit? That’s what I’ve seen a few people say online…
  11. New Russ and Jack video today. Not like we are gonna learn much new but hopefully some cool little things
  12. Thorpe taking aim at Alton They don’t care about marketing it clearly
  13. Because it’s teased to be opening spring 2023 fair enough if it was a late summer or later. We had little teasers for Alton Manor throughout closed season. Any major ones were in February I must admit. Not setting high expectations, I just hope there’s a clear story which fits in with Thorpe as a whole. I’m just excited for a new ride this year, last year had new events as a reason to visit more and look forward too. Ghost train is the reason for me this year, living so close to the park I actually want new rides and attractions to experience for a park which doesn’t get very many. Hence the excitement for it.
  14. Wish we had a proper opening date for this attraction. I’d be excited every time I visit Thorpe if I knew. I also wish the marketing for this ride was actually there. Considering it’s meant to open in the next couple of months. There’s been no real teasers or anything. Thorpe have said they are keeping the inside a surprise but I hope we learn a little bit more about the story before it opens. Maybe I’m hoping for Alton manor type marketing and I know it won’t be. Maybe they are letting Alton manor have the limelight before they start advertising it
  15. I don’t think it harms the ride in any aspect though. Yes it seems like there’s a lot of Easter eggs on paper but when you ride the ride. You have to be pretty hardcore to notice it or get the reference. It gets the goons excited and fits with the story. I’d rather have eggs related to the park as the rides part of the park. Rather than generic branded stuff. John B gets praise because after years of DBGT and minor additions (all before his time) . He’s pretty much came in and owned these new attractions as the face of them and there’s direction now. Where there wasn’t before. He interacts with the fans, he’s visible to gander what people want and semi accountable for his attractions. John Wardley was always the poster boy for attractions. But as same as John Burton there were more people working on it than just these figure heads. I think people are excited for John B as it’s a new generation of attractions and he’s effectively learning from John W
  16. I like themed areas, however I prefer highly themed experiences on rides over than just areas. I’d argue themed areas add to a themed ride experience, so go hand in hand. I want themed lands but I don’t want it the old themed lands. They were too generic. When I say themed lands, I want places like Saw and its plaza. That would be one land. The Swarm and its plaza is another. These two areas have one/two points of entry and exit. It helps them become isolated and define the areas. Project Exodus and its area can also become a themed land due to this. Amity has a long running history, so its themed land suits itself. Nemesis Inferno and Colossus are arguably harder. No plaza as such as little room to define them. This is where a themed ride station and queue line is important as it creates its own thing by itself. I don’t want an amusement park, the U.K. needs another thrilling theme-park which competes and offers its own unique experience away from the real world. Theming can also be important if you don’t have the space to continuously build rollercoasters. An amusement park has a larger selection of rides and rollercoasters. Project exodus, should not be generic and a six flags coaster. John Burton is involved and I pray because he is, that there is a theme. It would be a massive mistake if they don’t add on the swarm. You have something a grand as that area and then you come up with forest the ride. People will still like the look of swarm. Merlin wouldn’t want to operate a place which doesn’t “try” to immerse you. Every single attraction from the midways to the parks does this. It’s all down to laziness, cost and lack of direction. Management stay there for a few years try to come up with ideas but then move to one of their sister parks which receives more opportunities and funding. So teams are always changing…
  17. They are cutting things which should big projects into small projects. I.e Containment gets removed, but haven’t really made the area suitable or look too nice. They’ve seen this as get rid of ugly containment and put a bench down. In reality, it’s a bigger project. They should have repaved the area provided some new planters. They repainted the outside of the tea cups and didnt do the whole building. Also focusing on things which don’t matter when there’s bigger problems to be had. you could argue the best change this year is the F&B locations. But that’s not funded by Merlin at all. It’s actually Aramarks success.
  18. They do it every year, they leave everything to the last minute. That’s why the lower dome isn’t ready (like the toilets last year) the new picnic area isn’t ready, signage isn’t ready… fright nights signage is left out until March
  19. As I understand, it was Burger kings wishes to upgrade this restaurant in line with their other outlets. However, I still feel like Thorpe could have put their foot down allowing them to refurb the place in line with the existing theme. Cant really complain, Chessingtons indoor food areas and Alton’s aren’t themed to the areas. Says more about thorpe
  20. Not the greatest integration ever with vinyl stickers slapped on the side of the cups. It’s the tea cups, not much to complain about, just a shame sticks out like a sore thumb. They’ve also started to repaint the entrance area. To a white colour, further straying away from that boardwalk blue which used to be used a lot a few years ago on signage. Id argue, this closed season Thorpe have been the most contradictory than they’ve ever been in regards to general appearance and branding. They are painting, reprinting signs and refreshing most things. Trying to make their appearance look nice and less rundown which is great and has kinda works. However, things like a purple tea cups, removing the lands and removing theming contradicts all of this. Nothing is cohesive from the food, to signage, to music, to theming. Individual ride theming, it’s different. But the bread and butter between the rides just isn’t up to scratch
  21. Photos from inside the renovated Burger King. Unfortunately, it’s removed all of amity’s old theming and turned it into a service station looking place. Yes the old interior was old, worn. But they’ve retrofitted a standard BK inside an old themed area. The Ben and Jerrys outlet was stage one of loosing the themed buildings for amity. This is the next….
  22. They are opening a bunch of new places this year. All doing different things, fair enough not having both donut stands open but you’d think they’d have all the new stuff open all season
  23. At this point do Thorpe have their own creative team like Chessington? Chessington seem to be always painting something up, old theming and artwork. Thorpe have a lack of theming to paint
  24. They’ve “weathered” the new ghost train building. I think out of two main options: Have it look brand new, or look like a normal Thorpe park attraction. The latter was the better option. It being brand new would have looked weird in that colour. They’ve done such a good job on the weathering it looks normal. It does also look like they haven’t touched it for years. Done the job, but does look disgusting
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