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  1. So frustrating that Merlin financials have put them in this position, honesty felt the last couple of years that things were moving in the right direction, and the beach felt like a really positive move for the park, that could open up late night events etc throughout the season. Sadly it feels like if this is postponed or cancelled then it’s a step backwards
  2. Fond memories of Hydro as a kid. What a ride it was!! Unfortunately the accident was the end of it
  3. I live in hope that an investor comes in for Thorpe / Chessie and Towers. My biggest concern is the level of investment towers and Thorpe are going to need over the coming years with the aging profile of their rides.
  4. This Merlin saga just couldn’t have come at a worse time for Thorpe. Just as they’re finally on the up and need more investment to stay on that trajectory.
  5. Totally agree with the multi launch coaster. So many options in the market today, and it really feels like a gap in the lineup. Intamin multi launch would probably be my preference, but a Mack Stryker would be a great addition. Wouldn’t even need a top hat IMO, keep it low and snappy! RMC- would need to be a good one or not bother at all IMO. 170-180ft range, great first drop etc etc. not sure it’s needed because of the range of rides already available, but I have no doubt it would draw crowds! Vekoma flyer. Something outside the box. Feels like it could work especially if it was launched instead of having lift hills.
  6. Just go all out and bring a fury 325 regen 😂
  7. Out of interest for the next major investment. What would people’s top 3 be?
  8. Agree, personally think they will target their 50th anniversary, which is 2029?!?? Would make sense as the next major attraction for the park. What that is… or where it goes who knows. I think your point in relation to the anticipation or reaction to universal is really valid. Hard to know what timescales universal assuming it goes ahead would work to, but can’t see it being prior to 2030 as it’s a whole resort from scratch. It would then also work for Thorpe to go for a major attraction in 2029 prior to universal, then aim to target circa 2032/33 once the universal buzz starts to calm down. in addition to this, Thorpe Chessington and Legoland all stand to profit from Universal, as it draws people in to visit from afar. Hence why I think all 3 will invest in more accommodation as part of this. Just my take on it
  9. My understanding is from last year during Hyperia build a significant amount of material was placed on this island. I thought back then that it was probably a sign that it would be for future development. Still think this is probably 2030 ish tbh 🤔
  10. Got to agree with Mark here. For me it’s a top top ride and would love to see one at Thorpe one day (hopefully to replace Saw). I will caveat it by saying that personally I think it does require a strong theme, and this isn’t Thorpes strongpoint, so maybe a better fit as a RITA replacement at AT
  11. Biggest problem for towers is what’s next… I see this becoming a problem too for Thorpe in the not too distant future. Oblivion- actually think this ride can have some significant maintenance and continue without too much issue. Galactica- needs significant investment and a new theme. Several million Rita - will require replacement within next 10 years. Tens of millions. On top of this X sector- new flat ride required Dark Forest - new flat ride required Forbidden Valley - replacement for blade now required My Biggest issue with the recent strategy is this. Millions and millions have been spent to end up with the same ride line up that previously existed. And because of the state of above millions more will have to be spent to tread water so to speak. Thorpe will have to start planning for replacing the likes of stealth and even Colossus at some point which will put them in a similar predicament.
  12. Firstly you make some really good points, and a well thought out discussion starter. I was surprised to find out quite how many operations Merlin had. As Josh has said there are so many layers and moving parts to an organisation the scale of Merlin, that we must be very careful to understand that at times decisions can be made to move in another direction which can be seen as negative, when in reality it’s simply a reaction to the market or an adjustment. I will try to summarise all my thoughts in a more detailed response but for now I broadly agree with what Josh has said. Aramark joint venture will have been set up with Merlin taking a percentage and an annual fee, and the arrangement is probably very risk free from Merlin’s perspective, although I agree the standard of service is poor and should be carefully monitored by Merlin. MMM is an interesting one. As Josh points out it is studios north that is closing. Now my suspicions are that Merlin are starting to show their hand on the moves they will make to react to Universal. And for me that is a focus shifting to the south parks that stand to benefit from universal. What does that mean? Time will of course tell, but the recent applications for Chessington suggest a shift towards harnessing the family market that Universal will pull to the UK shores, and the hints of the Thorpe hotel and project pivot suggests the park moving to start harnessing the enthusiasts and teen market that universal will create. All of that coupled with project horizon seemingly slipping further to the right suggests a smaller budget being spent in the north, and when you think of universal as a threat or opportunity, geographically it’s probably more of a threat to towers than it is an opportunity. As I’ve said, probably more to add to this tomorrow, but that’s what’s top of my head RN
  13. Yeah, that’s a fair point. I just can’t see them investing on the level required for Thorpe pure thrill audience into a whole section. Imagine it would be in the 40-50m bracket in one hit. Especially given all the Merlin cuts. I do think Merlin will shift their focus South to react to Universal, and probably already starting to see them react to that with investment into Chessington and will expect more in the form of a big headline ride for Thorpe next big anniversary
  14. An intertwined GCI woodie or intamin multi launch with an intamin modern flume in the rumba treasure island area would be sick. Trouble is it won’t happen under Merlin’s watch as they don’t invest in entire areas it’s all piecemeal expansion unfortunately.
  15. Hoping that this stage and the planning application with 18 late nights means late weekend opening hours for the park in the summer and more night rides!!
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