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Posts posted by Fred

  1. Dunno why anyone thinks Merlin food is expensive. £7 is an average meal without discount and that comes with a drink.


    You'd be lucky to have similar quality for that price in the other parks - and go disneyland paris it's £13 euro for an equivilent!

  2. Only has an hour queue because it only does around 288 people per hour (that's probably maximum - 48 people every 10 minutes is what I've said there, which sounds a maximum realisticness).

  3. I struggle to see how Stealth is closed more often than not when Sunday was its first full day of downtime of 2014. Storm Surge was behaving fine all year until last week. 

    Storm Surge was closed all day on my visit in May :(

  4. Thing with boxes is the chance for **** to get nicked (the very reason they introduced baggage holds in first place - and to try and speed up throughputs).


    Though a perfectly rotating safe system which suits perfectly where you load and offload in same place - sorted!!

  5. The difficulty is that none of the rides at thorpe have any sort of decent capacity to hold a really good working reserve system (or free fastpass system).


    If they had rides doing 2000pph, they could allocate a good 1000pph to the fastpass and it'll be absolutely fine, lovely.


    Instead they have rides (if we say now they've included flats) which can do 400pph... so even 50 people using reserve will make a big difference to the main queue.


    Fuuuuun. May as well change to Qbot if they wanna do this (oorrrr stick to allocated fastrack timeslots, of which you'd make far more money even when managed properly unlike a revenue share Qbot!)

  6. The first weekend of Scarefest is gypsies. The first week of Scarefest is dead and a great time to do if you can.


    Fireworks are utterly fantastic too, and well worth it. Just don't expect to ride much unless you arrive in the morning (as everyone arrives for one ride and fireworks, literally).

  7. Rita's is awful purely because of the entrance positioning - it's literally there shouting LOOK AT ME I AM AN ENTRANCE whereas the real entrance is nowhere to be seen. Therefore it can be known on occasions to have the gate open for as little as 10 minutes before closing again because its longer than the main queue time.

  8. Yeah fair enough with the area theming - that's the thing when lego own 30% of merlin, they kinda want their product to look the absolute best (and not really interested in anything else).


    Lego is just ridiculous for 2d signs anyway - I hate how all of their signage is either on plastic or with perspex infront of it, no creativity or variety (and usually no difference depending on area too).


    • LEGOLAND can do themeing. So my question is, why can't the rest of Merlin?
    • Despite this, why do all Merlin attraction signs have to be 2d vinyl signs. Can't we be a bit more creative here?

    Lego can do theming to the extent of the other parks.. it's no better than some other merlin investments.


    2d vinyl Signs? The Smiler, Nemesis Sub Terra, Thirteen?

  10. I'm sorry.. but all these arguments on the past page and noones pointed out..



    He said he had free tickets to the theme park.. so decides to come only for the Summer Night event, an event which is short, has hardly any attractions available, and not worth anywhere near the value of the full price day ticket (and surely also excluded from the terms of the free return ticket).


    Calling bull**** on this one.

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