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Posts posted by Fred

  1. Soo these appeared in 2009 first on SAW yes? With stealth intending to get it and never receiving it.



    The one's at Alton just don't work - Air hasn't worked since almost beginning of year. The Smiler's DVD is rarely available too. Imagine the same issues at Thorpe.


    Will they ever get a system which works properly?!

  2. All it involves is investment in road infrastructure. Don't like traffic? Make it so the theme park has priority and then the traffic moves smoothly.


    Infact they did this trial end of last year with the traffic lights. The result? No traffic built up when turning left (for once!). The locals hated it. Why? Cos it meant the side roads had to wait a few minutes before it turned green.


    Either have traffic, or don't. You moaning bastards.

  3. The locals just blame everything on Lego, cos obviously it makes such a difference all those cars arriving around 10-11am and leaving at 7pm.


    They put lids on Jungle cos of residents, they removed jungle cos of residents, they had to make their hotel one story less cos of residents, they can't build next to Dragon Coaster cos of residents. They're scared to put in planning application for a rollercoaster cos of residents.


    Essentially they hate them.

  4. It's a shame as if anything, Oakwood relies on good reputation to survive.


    Pisses me off. Half of the stuff is really easy to resolve, just seems that Aspro is trying to make a cashcow out of something which obviously won't be one (it probably loses money, but acting crap like they are won't help).


    I hope they sell up.


    Other than through Chessie's throughputs are pretty poor. The only ride not mentioned that gets near its target is Rameses when only running one cycle (which it does in the Summer), the other day, it was achieving just over 830pph, a full ride was being sent by the time we had finished exiting and were by Jumbos!

    I can't believe Rameses gets that much - Ripsaw gets 750 on one of its shortest cycles and that's loading guests the SECOND the ride stops (cos they have a batching area and everything is designed to get the maximum from it).


    As for MattCreeks throughputs they're all completely out. None of those attractions gain over 1000, bubbleworks is no different to its hey day (they have the same amount of boats on the system, holding the same number of riders...)

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